Chapter 3

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Cat and I get to the car. "Give me the keys, Cat."

"I'm fine!" she tells me, but I block the driver's side door with my body and hold out my hand. "The keys, Cat!"

She clenched her jaw. Her nostrils are flaring. She's so mad I think she could spit in my face if she had the inclination, but thankfully she just shoves the keys into my chest and walks around to the other side of the car.

I get in and so does she, slamming her door after her.

I take us home, and we drive the entire way in silence. We get inside the apartment, and she walks right into the bedroom and slams the door again. I walk up to the door, about to knock to suggest we talk this out. I know she's mad and I know she's not mad at me, but I also know if I'm not careful, I'll become the target of her anger, so I let her be.

Sitting on the couch, I can hear her crying softly. My hand ran over my face because I feel close to wanting to do the same. Our baby... even though the odds are in our favor, there is still that 25% chance something could go wrong. I think of watching the baby move around on the screen and feel the tears slip from my eyes.

I wipe them away quickly. No, there is no time for such nonsense. I pick up my phone and do two things. One order takeout, so we have something to eat, and two start researching everything I can on SUA. By the time our food arrived, I had a good handle on things. I think. Armed with some Fettuccine Alfredo and information, I knock on the bedroom door.

When Cat didn't tell me to go away, I opened the door, taking her silence as consent to do so. I find a heartbreaking sight. Cat's curled up in the fetal position, hugging her bear that her brother got her along with the tiger cub he got the baby, her face buried in their fur. Tracks glisten on her cheeks where her tears were shed. She had cried herself to sleep.

I sit down next to her on the bed and tuck her hair behind her ear. "I wish I could somehow protect you from all of this."

Her eyes open and she just stares at me. I smile down at her. "Are you hungry? I have some food ready for you."

She nods her head, yes and I help her sit up in bed. She kisses the top of the head of both the bear and the tiger before setting them aside. Cat is just so freaking adorable it kills me.

"Come on," I say, standing up and holding out my hand to her. She takes it, and we travel to the other room together. It's takeout, so we eat on the couch. Why? I'm not entirely sure it just sort of works out that way.

"You want to talk or eat first?" I ask as I hand her a fork and her noodles.

"Thank you."

I shrug. "It's takeout, so it kinda super easy."

"That's not what I was thanking you for but yes, thank you for the food too."

"What are you thanking me for then?"

"For asking to come with me to my appointments, for keeping me sane when I hear news like I heard today, for keeping me from making some horrible mistake, for giving me space so I can process the information in my own way. Take your pick."

"I've been busy," I say with a grin, and I am instantly rewarded with her smile.

"I've been looking into this SUA thing. Most women that have it have no complications at all, Cat... during or after the pregnancy."

"We can talk to Dr. Devereaux. There is a high-level ultrasound scan that can rule out the baby having many of the abnormalities Dr. Packert mentioned. And if Dr. Devereaux has concerns, they can even do an echocardiogram of the baby's heart to make certain it's okay. Although, I doubt that there is. We've been listening to Peanut's heartbeat, and it's been strong since day one."

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