Chapter 48

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Between the meeting with my mom's doctor and wanting to hang out with Tina until l was certain she was feeling better, things ran a lot longer than anticipated. So, I call instead of texting Cat, since I'm finally on my way home.

"Hey? So, you on your way?" Cat asks the moment the phone picks up.

"Yeah. Sorry things took longer than I expected."

"Everything okay?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. They were, but they weren't. Tina is still hurting though she feels better and my mom is safe, but I still have no idea how she is doing.

"As good as it can be, I guess."

"That doesn't sound very reassuring," Cat observes.

"I know, but it's all I got to say on the subject. My mom, I didn't even get to see because the doctor didn't feel it was a good idea. He didn't get into it, but he said she was in a bad way after she came back yesterday."

Cat is silent for a moment. "It makes sense, though. Considering all she's been through."

Considering what I put her through... my mind wants to blame me, but I push that thought aside.

"And Tina?"

"Physically, she's doing better. They will hopefully release her soon. She's doing that well with her P.T. but she's hurting... you know emotionally."

"She's lucky she has you," Cat states.

I know how she means those words but they come out in a flat tone, telling me Cat still isn't thrilled with this new relationship between Tina and me. Something I know I must address but not now. I'm emotionally spent at the moment.

"How far are you from home?"

"I'm still about 30 minutes or so," I tell her.

"Okay, well then why don't you let me go and I'll get dinner started?" Cat offers.

"That's unnecessary, we can just order in. I feel bad putting you to work. It's been a crazy couple of days."

"No worries. I like to cook, remember. I find it relaxing. So, I'll see you soon, okay?"

I feel she's trying to rush me off the phone but shrug and say, "Okay."

I stare at the blank screen of my cell for a second or two. Something is up. That conversation just felt weird. I close my eye for a second but remembering what happened with Tina and knowing I'm not driving; I open a book app on my phone and start reading some backlogged comics I haven't gotten to yet. It's been a while, but they are entertaining enough to keep me awake and therefore in one piece to arrive home.

The taxi stops outside of my apartment and I let out an audible sigh. It's so good to be home. I grab my bag and Cat's that I picked up from the house since I don't see us going back there soon, if ever again. I heave my duffle over my shoulder and drag her case up the steps before knocking on the door. I left my spare key at the house when I expected Cat to be staying there on her own. I didn't want her to think I'd be dropping in unannounced, especially if my presence wasn't welcome.

Cat opens the door and throws herself at me. I have to drop the case and duffle to catch her or she would have tumbled us both back into the hall. I laugh against her lips as she kisses me. "I missed you, too."

"Seriously, Cat? Get a room, you two. Please, before I lose my appetite."

Cat reluctantly pulls away. I miss her lips already. William is standing behind her, looking smug.

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