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"You'll be careful," Ruth placed her hands on Arthur's chest, standing beside his horse. "What I've heard about Angelo Bronte... well he ain't good-"

"I know," Arthur nodded at her. He took her hands in his, squeezing them. "I'll be fine. You need to keep your head down, remember?" Arthur whispered. Ruth nodded at him, it was all she had been thinking about. Tomorrow morning was when she would get her revenge. Arthur leant down and kissed the woman's forehead before turning to his horse and mounting up into the saddle. Ruth stepped back, watching the man. "You need anything you talk to Charles," Arthur ordered. Ruth nodded at him before watching the man turn his horse away and ride down the road leading away from Shady Bell. Once Arthur was out of sight Ruth made her way back into the camp. 

She was staring at her feet only to look up quickly when hearing someone approach her fast. Tilly Jackson. 

"Miss Ruth!" She called out. The woman had a look of horror in her eyes, her hands bloodied. Ruth immediately rushed to her side, her own eyes wide in alarm. "Oh Miss Ruth! I'm so sorry I-"

"Hey, calm down!" Ruth eased the tense woman who was out of breath and scared. Tilly cleared her throat, her eyes stuck on the blood on her hands. 

"That man tied to the tree? I found him, his throat slit," Tilly hissed through her teeth, her lips hardly moving. Ruth's world froze in shock. "I'm so sorry."

"Did you see anyone?" Ruth mumbled to her. Tilly shook her head in response.

"I went to go feed him and well..." she trailed off, trying to push the image of the sight she discovered out of her head. Ruth placed a hand on Tilly's shoulder, the woman looking at her with worried eyes. 

"You get cleaned up, tell Miss Grimshaw what happened. I'll go have a look," Ruth instructed Tilly. Tilly nodded before Ruth quickly walked around her, heading to the back of the house. 

"Ruth!" Tilly called out behind her. Ruth stopped and turned around, Tilly looking at her. "Who do you think done it?" Tilly asked her. Ruth bit her lower lip, she had a good idea on who had done it. There was only other person who had spoken to David other than the women and Arthur. 

"Don't worry Tilly, just go get cleaned up," Ruth called back to her in response. Ruth turned around again before Tilly could question more. Ruth hurried towards the back of the house, hurrying through the camp. Ruth stopped when she got past Leopold's wagon, seeing his body. Tilly was right, David was dead. Ruth approached slowly, finding the plate of food Tilly took to him splattered on the ground. The lantern on the barrel beside the tree allowed her to see him just fine. Ruth managed to continue, her feet wanting to remain planted in the one spot. Ruth reached David, his head hung over limp. Ruth winced as she grabbed his head by his hair, pulling back to reveal his jaw hung open and a gash across his throat. It was fresh, blood still slowly seeping out. If Tilly had been sooner she might have just witnessed it. 

Ruth felt a cold hand wrap around the back of her neck, causing her to gasp in shock. She reached back for the hand only to feel herself get pulled back from the body before her head was slammed into the trunk of the tree. Ruth felt herself black out for a second, collapsing to the ground from the impact before feeling herself get ripped around and pinned to the tree beside David's dead body. Her head spun, trying to make out who was crouched in front of her. 

"We're going to have ourselves a little chat," Micah hissed evilly. Ruth blinked, trying to regain her sight from the tree, she felt as if she was spinning. 

You need anything you talk to Charles.

"CHA-" Ruth's shout was muffled by Micah's hand covering her mouth tight. Ruth went to wiggle free before she was staring at the blade of a bloody knife. Ruth froze in horror, her suspicion was right. But why did he do it?

𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  ➳ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now