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Ruth fired at one of the guards, Javier taking out the other. She had landed a clean headshot on the guard, his body dropping limply. She saw Javier and Sadie look up at her. Ruth waved hand at them, encouraging the two of them to continue pushing forward. The two did as they were ordered, pushing forward.

Ruth was rudely interrupted when she felt a bullet whizz past her, hearing it lodge itself in the wood of the tower behind. She gasped, ducking slightly before ducking behind the wooden tower that continued going up through the middle of the platform. Ruth peered around the corner with her sniper, sure enough there is a sniper firing at her through the window she shot Leviticus through. She quickly ducked back around when she saw the man bounce back from the strong gun, moments later she heard the bullet pierce the wood she hid behind. Ruth quickly cocked a bullet into the chamber before taking a deep breath, waiting for another bullet to hit the wood. Once it did, she immediately peered out from around the corner, aiming her cross hairs onto the guard in the window and pulling the trigger. She watched as he went to aim after reloading before collapsing as his skull split open from the strong force of the bullet. Ruth quickly opened the chamber of her sniper, reaching up into her bandolier she decided to wear for once so she could carry more bullets.

"Ruth!" She heard a faint voice. She frowned, listening out again as she pushed a bullet into the chamber and reaching up into her bandolier again. "RUTH!" The voice was now noticeable, it was Lenny. She looked up to see a guard running right at her.

"Shit!" She cried out as the man launched himself on top of her, knocking the sniper out of her hands and the bullet she had retrieved from her bandolier. The man roared down at her, attempting to aim his revolver in her face. Ruth grabbed his hands, using all her strength to push the gun away from her face. She heard bullets flying above them, knowing her friends were trying to shoot at the guard. Her arms began to shake, aching from fighting against the man.

"Come on, bitch! Give up," He sneered through bared teeth, his face stern as he fought against her strength. Ruth managed to use her knee to kick him in the groin, distracting him. The man yodelled in pain before she quickly turned his revolver and shot him under the chin. Ruth felt the man's blood splatter on her but she ignored that, pushing the man off of her and rolling his body under the railing and over the edge. Ruth sat up, breathless as she retrieved her sniper. The bullet however was gone, Ruth assumed it must've rolled over the edge also. Ruth quickly pulled another bullet from her bandolier and placed it into the chamber, followed by a couple more before pulling the bolt. Ruth climbed back to her feet, hurrying to the railing and pulling the trigger on the first guard her cross hairs met. As she focused on her next target, Ruth could hear the rumble of a train approaching through the tunnel. All she could hope was that Arthur and John had been successful in stealing the train.

Normally outlaws robbed trains, not literally. They just robbed the folk and the luggage carts, but today was different. These outlaws were robbing a train, and literally. Ruth pulled the trigger before hearing the whistle of the train. Ruth looked down to see the train exit the tunnel, a familiar scar faced man in the driver's seat, waving out the window at her joyfully. Ruth chuckled at the sight. As for Arthur, he seemed to make himself well acquainted with the gatling gun bolted to the train cart. Most trains had them when making deliveries and carrying possessions, mainly to scare off anyone who thought about robbing them. Guards on the trains barely had to use them because whenever a thief saw the mean gun they normally turned tail.

"Get down!" Ruth heard Arthur's voice roar at his friends as he swung the gun around towards the oil field. Ruth watched as all his friends found cover before the gun roared, firing many bullets one after the other at the guards who began to flee helplessly once they heard the gun. She watched as Arthur took down many guards with the brutal weapon, bullets ripping through the bodies of Leviticus' guards. Ruth pulled her sniper over her shoulder before heading to the ladder, remembering her orders to come down once the train arrived.

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