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Ruth found herself at the bar that night, tossing a coin to the barkeep for a new shot. Ruth didn't like drinking alone, she found that she would get caught up in her own thoughts which at times made her overwhelmed but tonight she needed to think. She needed to think about her next move. 

The barkeep took her shot glass and poured the same whiskey in it, this time instead of putting the whiskey away he pushed the bottle over to her with her shot glass. He gave her a small nod towards the bottle.

"Pay me in the mornin', I can see there'll be lots coming your way," he informed her, noticing that she had already brought three, this new one being her fourth. She nodded at him before he moved towards a pair of Lemoyne Raiders. She wasn't intimidated by the two at all, they looked like nothing more than a pair of drunkards anyway. Plus they hadn't paid her any mind so she would do the same. 

Ruth tilted her head back as she poured the whiskey down her throat, with this being her fourth shot she was becoming use to the strong taste. She licked her lips clean before placing the shot glass down on the bar once more.

Arthur Morgan. That man had been on her mind since their run in. He knew she was here and he knew she was following them. But she knew he was fearing her because he had no idea who she was. The two feared each other, only Arthur hid his fear under his coldness. Ruth was brave, most of the time. She hadn't felt this afraid in a long time however. The thought of going after the most wanted gang terrified her. She always found herself thinking about what they would do to her if they got their hands on her.

Had Arthur told anyone about her? He would've had to tell that woman, right? Sure, John knew about her but he didn't know she was here. As far as Arthur knows she doesn't even know where they are which is unfortunately true. Oh how she awaits the day where she finds their hideout and can snipe them all down and take in Dutch to Mr Cornwall. 

Ruth picked up the whiskey bottle and began pouring another shot for herself when a figure slid next to her to the bar. Ruth kept her eyes fixated on the liquid pouring out of the whiskey, forcing herself not to look at whoever was standing uncomfortably close to her.

"Good evening, Ma'am," the voice beside her cooed. Ruth placed the bottle down and finally gave in, looking beside her at the man. Blonde hair stuck out from under his large white hat, his facial hair cut into a unique style. Ruth began to have memories flood her from the posters, she knew that face.

Micah Bell.

"Sir," she nodded at him, keeping her calm. Ruth grabbed her shot glass with a hand, pulling it close to her. In the corner of her eye she saw the man turn to face her completely, leaning on his elbow that rested on the bar. 

"May I say that you look like one tough lady," he complimented. Ruth clamped her jaw shut tight, her teeth slightly gritting from the pressure she applied. She quickly threw back the shot glass as a distraction before turning to face the man also, a fake smile dawned across her lips. "Quite beautiful too," he complimented again, seeing her full face. 

"Why thank you," she thanked Micah. She wasn't entirely sure what he was playing at but for now she would follow his lead. She didn't know if he knew who she was but if he didn't know and was trying to flirt with her she couldn't blow it. He was a dangerous man, him and his Father. "What's a feller like you doing down here? I ain't seen your face here before?" She asked politely, attempting to start up conversation. He drew in a long breath before speaking.

"I'm a traveller, a seeker if you must. I go where the road takes me," he answered coolly. He was a very good liar. He looked at her with a raised brow before slightly nodding to her. "And what about you?"

"You know how it is," she shrugged casually. "I go where the road takes me," she quoted him which surprisingly caused the villainous man to laugh. Ruth laughed with him before pushing the bottle of whiskey in between them, offering him a drink. Being the rough-living outlaw he was, she wasn't surprised when he accepted. She needed to gain his trust. "So why stop here?" She asked him after he took a swig from the bottle. Ruth spotted the barkeep about to interrupt them after seeing Micah hadn't paid when she subtly rose a hand to him, signalling that it was on her. 

"I'm thinking of working on one of the local farms around here, make some money before picking up again," he explained to her. If Ruth hadn't known the man was lying to her face she would have brought that. Ruth smiled at him and gave him a nod.

"A man who ain't afraid to get his hands dirty I see," Ruth observed. Ruth's heart raced when the outlaw took a step closer to her, getting comfortable with her company. She kept her calm however, the alcohol benefitting her for once. He smirked down at her, his hand on the bar almost touching hers. 

"Oh I love to get real dirty," Micah cooed flirtatiously. Ruth resisted the urge to gag at the creep, not only was his cheesy lines horrible but he was not her type at all. He looked dirty and sleazy, she could tell he hardly cared for his looks at all. Keeping the act going she forced a smile and tilted her head at him.

"You sure know how to charm a woman," Ruth soothed to him. Micah chuckled lightly before picking up the bottle again and taking another drink, his eyes staying on her the entire time. Ruth looked at the scar that ran from his lower lip and jaggered across his chin. "So, Mister..." Ruth trailed off waiting for him to answer.

"White, Howard White," he answered her. Ruth nodded at him, appreciating the fact that he gave her a name even though she knew it was fake. 

"Mister White, what makes you attracted to me?" She asked fondly. Micah lifted a hand up to her cheek, grazing it with the back of his hand carefully. Ruth wanted to jump backwards at his touch but she had to stay in character. Who knows what information she could get out of him. He cradled a strand of her hair in his larger hand before tucking it behind her ear.

"I like a woman who can really handle herself," he commented. He looked her up and down before smirking. "And from what I'm seeing you sure can," he chuckled, the alcohol beginning to take a turn on him. 

"Oh but you don't know anything about me," she reminded him. The man's blue eyes looked at her full of lust which made her incredibly uncomfortable. She wouldn't let him do anything to her even if he tried. He leaned in close to her, his breath hot. 

"I don't need to. You radiate strength," he murmured. Again, she wanted to gag. Relief washed over her when she noticed him look towards the front doors. Ruth followed his gaze, spotting a Mexican man by the doors staring at them.

Javier Escuella.

"I'm afraid I must go," he sighed dreadfully. Micah began to walk away but she couldn't let this be the end of it. She needed better information. Ruth quickly grabbed his arm, stopping the man.

"Will I see you again, Mister White?" She asked with a saddened voice. The man looked at her before she saw in his eyes an idea spark to mind. He stepped close to her. 

"Meet me tomorrow in the old barn at Compsons Stead," Micah proposed to her. He looked at her before smirking sickly. "We can continue where we left off." Ruth nodded at him before he let out a chuckle and leaving her, walking across the Parlour House to Javier. She watched as the two men left. Ruth returned to the bar and poured herself another shot with a smirk on her lips. 

What she was doing is dangerous and it could go very wrong for her. But the way she sees it, she's got him hooked. Micah could be playing her too but she doubted it, he seemed way too into it. She was willing to take the risk if it meant potentially getting information but from everything she had asked him, it was going to be hard to break him. 

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