Chapta 9: Leo knows about ace being the baebay dadae

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Leos POV

So i walked into the hospital room and I saw luna laying there sobbing , i don't care anyways i walked over to her and hug her 🫂

"What's wrong? " I ask
"I'm just so worried .." Luna says
"About what? i'm pretty sure your fine just sore." I say
"No because-" Luna said before a Doctor came in
"Hi i'm Dr Leah, i'm here to let you know that we have to give you a ultra sound " She smiles
"Ultrasound!?" I ask
"Yes!" She says walking over and lifting up luna's gown
"Okay it's gonna be cold so beware " Dr leah says and laughs
"Leo because-" Luna says before kay and koda come crashing into the room like they are running away from the police , because their black.
"GUYS- MILLIE- IS- CHASINF- US-" LKays says out of breath
"Ok? Now who knows about luna and her baby?" I ask
"You mean ace baby? Yeah lol" Koda says and my jaw drops and Dr Leah jaw drops too like she didn't used to stick poles up my ass for fun like what the fuck?
"ACE??????? " I say
"Leo listen i-" Luna says but i run out the room crying like a little girl 👧🏽
" That's so funny not leo crying PLSLSLSL" Kay says and sits down on the hospital bed
"Right like that's so ghetto." Koda says

" AUUUAHAHAHAHHAA UAUAUAUHAAUUAHAHAUAHAUAYAUUAYAHAU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭" I was crying btw lol

"EXCUSE ME- LEO!???" Millie said running down the hall
"Huh- " I said wiping my eyes
"Have you seen kay? I need to speak to her please?" Millie said
"No. " I said and walked about and walked out the hospital got in my car and drove to new york , i need a new puffa jacket, black exactly.

"Where's leo?" I ask
" I don't know i'm gonna text him." Kay says
"I know he's pissed like i slept with ace and now i have his baby."
"Lol" I said and opened my bag of lays very loudly
"KODA- be  kind please?" Luna says
"No." I add
" Hi! I'm back for another check in and o have results about your baby, and the gender! you dont show as much because you're flat because you know you were ran over . But your baby is fine ! " Dr Leah says
"Can i know the gender " I ask
"Uhhh? Can she!" Dr leah asks
"Sure idc don't tell me thought ." Luna says
" Ok" I say
" Okat it's a...." Dr leah said

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