The new pack

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Befor I start in the chapter the new pack and hot chocolate I accidentally published it with out finishing it srry. And also plez don't just throw the book away because it will only get better as wrote more.

The new pack

My mom and I were now just walking through the woods in human form. The sky bright baby blue the sun shining as bright as a million lamps glowing at once. I saw a house in the distance and big brown wolves guarding the house.

"We're here" I screamed excited to have shelter and no be living off plants. All though I love the woods with a passion well like any other wolf would. The woods reminds me when I was young and use to play with my sister Clair before she was taken by the rouges my mom and I haven't seen her since. Clair looked a lot like me brown hair that fell mid back, piecing deep blue eyes and a tan complexion only she had freckles on her nose barley noticeable but they were there.

I was snapped out of mid thought by my mom shaking my shoulders. "Come on the guard is taking us to Alpha Hunter, we are getting recognized in to this pack". I nodded as the big brown wolf changed and was leading us there thank god he had cloths he must of changed before we got here behind a tree or something.

We were walking through this huge mansion. To say it was a house was a understatement this place was huge. We first walked in to I guess a porch you would could call it. The porch was stunning all the walls were windows and there was a big white couch with a wooden coffee table in front that had a vase of sunflowers laying in it perfectly, nothing was out of place.

Now we were walking through this screen door to I guess what would be the living room. The living room was just as amazing as the porch with lavender couches and purple christen walls even little chandler things hanging off the ceiling. Even the carpet and shades were purple wow Alpha Hunter loved purple. The walls had a floral design running along the top and bottom. My favorite part was the huge flat screen mounted to the wall ; that will be fun to watch movies on.

"We are almost here I was instructed to let you go there from her on out, just go to that door all the way down the hall". He instructed my Mom and I with such authority I was scared what if every one talked like this in this pack.

My mom and I were already down the hall looking at this huge brown door that looked quite scary. It was giving me the go in and face your death vibe.

My mother knocked I could see her pull back he'd wrist before she knocked. It took a minute before the door opened and a gruff voice said come in.

A/N question: who do you think was behind that door?

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