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Daniel and I have been married for a year and have twin girls, Carmon Anne and Parker Erin. We normally call the girls by their middle names since their shorter. The girls are about nine months old and just starting to walk. Safe to say that they are extremely clumsy at this age.

I quickly close the door behind me after putting Erin down for her nap and pick up Anne; who was at my feet starting to get fussy.

Walking down the hallway, I turn and walk into the living room and lay down with my head on the arm rest and Anne sitting on my stomach.

"Hi, baby." I smile and watch Anne giggle while trying to put my fingers in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" I lightly laugh at the little girl as she starts to climb all over the couch.

While I have my arms free, I grab the tv remote and turn on Princess and the frog. Taking a quick glance at my watch, I then grab Anne, who had crawled to the other side of the couch, and tickle her before laying her down right beside me.

At some point during the middle of the movie, Anne decided to get up and reach for my phone on the end table. I laughed while holding her up. "Oh so your taking my phone now?". Anne was looking at the phone screen for a bit and kept trying to put my phone in her mouth but I quickly moved it each time.

Anne looked at me with her goofy toothless smile and started to playfully growl at me. I sat up and playfully growled back at her and she laughed. At one point she was laughing so hard to her head went backwards and she almost fell before I caught her. We then continued laughing even more.

Soon enough, I hear the door open and close while Anne is sitting on my stomach holding onto my thumbs.

"Hi, Dani." I smile as I slightly tickle Anne's sides.

"Hi, babes.. what does 'fhdifndoober' mean?" Daniel asks as he walks into the room.

I lightly laugh and look over at him to see him looking at his phone. "What?" Anne let go of my fingers.

"Well I texted you to see if you needed anything from the store but you texted back 'fhdindoober'." Daniel lightly laughs.

"Yeah- babe that wasn't me." I let out a breathy laugh and point to one of our daughters who had grabbed my phone again.

Daniel lightly laughs and walks over. "How are two of my girls?" He asks as he kneels down and kisses my forehead then grabs Anne while whispering a little "hi, Car-bear." And kissing her head.

"Doing great." I couldn't help the smile on my face as I look at Daniel.

Daniel looks back at me and kisses my hand that was messing with his hair. "Is Parker sleeping?" He asks.

"Yeah. You can go get her. She should be up by now." I look at my watch as Daniel hands Carmon back to me. "Hey, make sure to come back out here so that we can have a movie night." I smile even bigger and sit up again as Daniel laughs and walks down the hall.

A couple minutes later, Daniel comes back with a very happy looking baby girl in his arms.

"Hi, Parker. Did you have a good nap??" I reach out for her as Daniel hands her to me then rests his head on my shoulder when he sits down.

"Hi, bubba." I whisper to him and kiss his head.

"Hi." He says as he kisses my shoulder.

"One beautiful family, huh?" I smile and rest my head on Daniels, as I watch the girls play together in front of us.

"The best." He whispers with a smile.

Ah- sorry for some reason I've been having slight baby fever so I just had to write this. Plus I was babysitting yesterday so that too. But yeah. I hope you guys like it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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