Chapter XIX

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Pansy's Pov:

I stood in the mirror and fixed my tie on my suit.

Mirrors Pov:

Pansy's Pov:

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Pansy's Pov:

I hadn't known what Hermoine's suit looked like as him and Harry got ready in Blaise's room because Draco was getting ready in her and Harry's room and Hermoine's didn't want me seeing his suit.

I was almost done when I got thirsty and walked down to the kitchen in our common room.

I was pouring me a glass of water when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to find Luna.

"Oh Luna hello."

"Hello Pansy."

"Not to be rude but why are you here?" I asked.

"I was hoping to see Draco."

"Oh yea she's up in her room, come in."

I moved out of the way and she walked in. Luna gasped a little when she entered.

"Her room is all the way up the stairs."

"Thank you." She said walking up the stairs.

I returned back to my drink then walked back up to the room to finish fixing my hair so I could meet Ginny at the Room of Requirements before the party.

After I decided my hair and the rest of me looked good enough I left mine and Hermoine's room and set off to the Room of Requirement's.

When I arrived Ginny was already there. I looked at her dress and I noticed her eyes scanned my suit.

"Your suit looks nice." She said.

"So does your dress."

"Well thank you."

"Your welcome." I replied.

"Wanna head in?" She asked.

I nodded my head in agreement and we took a step back and the Room of Requirements door appears in front of us and we walked in.

It looked amazing just like we had left it.

"I'm going to go set out the alcohol." I said turning to the bar.

"Okay." She replied and I walked over to the bar.

"Who's waiting outside for the guests?" She asked.

"Dray I'm pretty sure."


"They should be here any minute."

"They?" She said with confusion in her voice.

"Yea Dray and Luna." I replied.


There was a knock at the door.

"That must be them, will you go get it while I continue putting out the drinks?"

"Sure." She replied.

"I'm just here to drop Luna off I told my date I'd pick them up and walk with them." I heard Draco's voice from the other side of the room.

"Oh how ever sweet of you." Ginny replied.

"You better not be late to welcome the quests!" I screamed hoping Draco heard me.

"I won't!" Draco screamed back.

"You guys out did yourselves." Luna said after her and Ginny entered.

"Thank you." I replied walking over to them as I had just finished up what needed to be done at the bar.

"Now we wait." Ginny said.

"Mhm." I said in agreement.

A few moments later a knock was heard from the door and I went over and answered it.

It was Hermoine.

"Hello love!" I said seeing him.

"Hi." He replied kissing my check and I stepped back so he could walk in.

"It looks nice." He said looking around the room.

"Why thank you." Me and Ginny said in unison causing us both to laugh.

I looked Hermoine up and down and gasped. He looked absolutely breath taking, but then again he always looked breath taking.

"Is there something wrong?' Hermoine asked looking at me and blush covered my checks.

"No everything's perfectly fine it's just you look breath taking. Not that you don't always look breath taking because you do. Your suit your suit looks nice." I finished a took a breath of air. I was known to rant a tiny bit whenever I was flustered or got nervous which rarely ever happened.

Hermoine laughed and moved closer to me until he was standing in front of me. "Thank you, and you yourself look breath taking." He said placing a hand on my cheek lifting it up and placing a kiss on my lips.

I blushed and he pulled away because of the knock that was heard a moment after our lips connect.

"I got it." I said to Hermoine and walked to the door.

"Hi Pansy!" Theo said.

Theo, Neville, and Blaise had arrived together and I looked inside and shot Ginny a glance saying the plan was working perfectly.

Behind them was Harry and Draco.

'Hm I didn't know they were coming together.' I thought to myself.

"See dear I'm here in time to greet guest." Draco said with a smirk on her lips and everyone who was here walked in and we started to play the music.

It wasn't much longer till everyone arrived and we all got at least a little bit drunk.

Me and Hermoine danced together and I'm pretty sure I may have saw Theo, Neville and Blaise talking in a corner.

Hermoine kissed me and I kissed back.

After the kiss he looked at me. "Wanna head back to our room?"

I nodded my head eagerly and we left.

Author's Note:

If you haven't quite caught on everyone's outfit will be shown in the chapter of their pov.

Who's pov do you want next? Hermoine, Draco, or Blaise? Comment down below your answer!

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