Chapter 2

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"Is that so." she murmured, her voice hinting slight pain. "Why."


"I doubt that you are dumb. Answer my question."

"Why do you think, Princess? Your parents made our lives a living hell! I'm not going to let anyone else, let alone a naive girl like you, claim the throne. I swore and there's no going back."

"And I swore to myself that I wouldn't be killing anyone for as long as I shall live but here we are." she added, pointing at the wounded assassin laying on the floor.

"You bitch." grunted Bakugou, the guards kicking him in the stomach.

"I saw you fight down there, you have potential. Too bad you used it for the wrong choices." she murmured, making her way closer to him. She sat on her knees softly, resting her weight on the marble floor, and traced her gloved fingers on Bakugou's face.

"Don't touch me with your blood-stained hands." he threatened.

"I should be saying that to you." she whispered, her eyes landing on his cuffed hands that were tugging the ends of her dress before turning back to his red orbs. "I have a suggestion to make, Katsuki Bakugou. Take my guard's place, and I'll allow you to live. Additionally, I'll send your little pal to my best healers."

"I prefer death." he instantly replied.

"I'm not sure he feels the same." she said, her voice filled with venom.

Bakugou's teeth threatened to crack from how hard he was gritting them, but to her surprise he finally gave in.

"Fine." he sighed.

Her dark eyes sparked and she stood up, ordering two of her guards to take the wounded assassin away from the hall. She sat on her throne and rubbed her forehead, trying to relax from all the stress that she had gone through. She clicked her tongue and by that, the rest of the guards dragged the assassin out of the room.

Trust me on this one. My gut was telling me to keep a close eye as soon as I saw him from the balcony. By no means am I replacing you.. I'm sorry.. Iida.


Hours later, the sound of the wooden doors opening again made her look up, her eyes wincing at the sudden sunlight.

I need to fix these damn windows already..

"Your highness, the wounded assassin is safe, the other one however is a tough one to take care of. He said that he demands to get out of the cell or else he isn't going to sign your contract."

"Good Lord." she grunted, patting her dress after standing up.

After arriving at the cell, she gripped the bars and stared down at the blond-haired guy.

"You're not getting out of here anytime soon that's for sure. And by acting like a child you're only going to make your situation worse. Eitherway, I've written down some rules that you are obliged to follow as soon as your signature meets the proper paper tomorrow."

"And what would those be?" he scoffed.

"First and foremost, you're not going to get a weapon until you've gained my full trust."

"What? Then how am I supposed to 'protect' you?"

"Continuing," she carelessly said, making him roll his eyes at her. "You will be by my side throughout the days, at nights, however, I will be resting at my sleeping chambers so I don't want you being around me. You will be provided with a room of your own, no windows, guards will be placed outside. You're not allowed to escape." she warned, her eyes landing on his. "The other rules will be decided along the way, although I'm sure you already know the basic stuff."

"How is he?"

"I've been informed that your friend is doing well. He is awake right now and taken care of, I'll be visiting him shortly." she informed before finally leaving the cell, the sound of her heel-boots echoing through the halls.


"Her highness has come." informed the healer before making his way outside the room.

She sat tall and straight, her powerful appearance threatening the guy's vulnerable one.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, his eyes widening at her words.

He expected her to shout at him, hit him, threaten him, but instead she asked him about his wellbeing. He still didn't answer though, he was still an assassin missioned to leave her kingdom with her royal blood in his hands.

"I'm aware that you're not supposed to be talking to me right now. Heck, I'm supposed to be dead." the sudden sound of her chuckling made him raise his head and stare at her surprised. "You thought I wouldn't see you from my windows?"

He blushed and faced away once again, scratching the back of his head and releasing a small chuckle himself.

"Besides, I'm excellent at combat. Just because I'm a soon-to-be Queen it doesn't mean that I sit around all day doing paperwork." she smiled. "What's your name, peasant?"

"Eijirou Kirishima."

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