Chapter 32

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On her way to the castle, (y/n)'s people cheered loudly for her win. However, nobody noticed how lifeless she really was. The guard in command lead her horse by its reins, because (y/n) wasn't really responding to anyone.

When she arrived, Aizawa came running towards her and helped her hop off her horse, but when his eyes fell on her face, he understood that something was wrong. He looked at the guards, glad that not many were missing, but his heart dropped when his eyes didn't land on that certain one.

"Oh (y/n).." he murmured, resting his hand behind her head and gently pressing it on his chest as he wrapped his free arm around her.

He helped her walk to the healer's room, where he was waiting anxiously for her return. Aizawa opened the door without bothering to knock and the healer stood up from his chair within seconds, helping (y/n) sit on the small bed while he let out a loud sigh of relief.

He glanced at Aizawa who shook his head, and he realised that he shouldn't question her right away.

"May I look at your wounds?" he kindly asked, but she still wouldn't reply.

"(y/n), my dear, we need to treat them or else they are going to get infected." his wife, Chiyo, said. Her voice low and reassuring.

Aizawa left the room eventually, letting the Queen on the pair's trusted hands. He entered the room where the guards were staying in, watching them as they silently celebrated their win after a moment of silence for their fallen comrades.

"I'm happy to see that you are doing well." Aizawa spoke, earning a small smile from each guard.

"What about her majesty? Is she doing okay?"

"She had an open wound on her shoulder and some minor ones here and there, but her injuries aren't the real issue." he sighed. "How did it happen?"

"He was making his way towards her but the Prince had already planned things ahead. We weren't allowed to bring bow and arrows, but we should have expected that he would do otherwise." the commander murmured, his eyes narrowing at the thought.

"Must have been hard for her to watch.." Aizawa whispered while rubbing his forehead. "She killed the Prince didn't she?"

"Yeah." multiple guards replied.

"Well, that's pleasant." he said as he pushed himself off the wall, some of the guards chuckling while nodding their heads.

"Where is Bakugou's body?"

"Prince Todoroki had sent a healer who arrived just in time after the battles were over, and her majesty agreed to let Bakugou in his friend's hands. They took him back to the village, with the healer following after them, and then we got into our separate ways."

Although he got kind of skeptical about it, Aizawa nodded and after chatting with the guards for a while longer, he made his way back to the medical room.

"You may enter, Aizawa." he heard the healer say from inside the room.

He kindly asked for the pair to leave, and after they did, he sat on the small bed next to (y/n)'s figure, taking her hand in his. She flinched at the sudden contact but he didn't move his hand away.

"Don't worry, it's just me."

His eyes softened when he thought of the possibility that she might suffer from triggers for a while. Maybe from human contact, loud noises.

"I heard about what happened. I'm sorry." he said, his voice calm.

If only she could talk to him. If only she could tell him in how much pain she was. But her body failed her each time she tried to open her mouth. Each time she tried to speak. It was like she was being punished.

"How about you take a warm bath and let the maids take care of you?"

And so, while letting her rest her weight on him, he helped her walk to her chamber. As soon as they arrived, two maids approached them and helped her enter the room after thanking Aizawa, assuring him thay they were going to take good care of her.

Gently, they took off her clothes and made her sit on the bathtub where they washed her hair and body for a while, trying to get rid of all the dried up blood, sweat and dirt.

"I'll prepare some hot tea." one of them said as the other helped (y/n) get out of the bathtub, drying her damp body with soft towels.

"How about I brush your hair? You liked it when you were little." the maid spoke after helping her wear her nightgown.

Without responding, (y/n) sat on her desk's chair and let her back rest on it while the maid gently brushed a comb through her hair.

Some minutes later, the other one entered the room with a tray full of fruit and a cup of warm tea, placing it on the wooden desk before whispering goodnight and leaving once again.

"You know, your majesty, we're really proud of you. For everything that you've done for this kingdom."

(y/n)'s tired eyes moved to her empty crown that was resting on the desk's side. She kept staring at it, multiple thoughts running through her mind.

Suddenly, the maid started humming the song that (y/n) used to dance to with none other than him whenever they were alone inside her room. Their song. She lowered her head and after many, long hours of not speaking to anyone, she finally found herself whispering,

"Could you.. stop humming that song?"

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