Chapter 4

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A other day at Tulsa

Julia POV:

The first day being here was okay I guess but I'm just glad to see Johnny again.

I been out all day looking for a apartment and a job but luckily I did found a job there were looking waitress at the dingo so I ended up getting a job there..

Curtis house:

The gang POV:

" hey Johnny where's your sister?" Darry asked

" yeah where's the other Cade" two said taking a sip of his beer

" she went out looking for a apartment and a job" said Johnny

" oh well I hope it goes well for her" said Darry
Then Dallas came in having a cigarette on his mouth and flopping next to pony.

" you guys are talking about Julia"

" she's tough" he said

" she try breaking my arm last night"

" what did you do to her" Johnny said annoyed

" nothing man I was just trying to get to know her and out of know where she threatened me saying she will break my arm" Dallas said

" really I'm surprised, Julia isn't that type of person to do something like that"

" same here" Dallas whisper underneath his breath

A few minutes later:
Johnny went to the movies with pony and two bit while Darry was making dinner and Dallas was helping him well he wasn't really doing anything just standing there

" im still shocked that Johnny had a sister this whole time"Darry said

" yeah... she something..
very feisty" Dallas was slightly smirking

Darry just looked up him weirdly

" you lied to Johnny"

" and you did something to Julia last night didn't you" he said

" of course I did"

Dallas said walking away.....

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