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A gift for you
Once upon a time,There lived a rich family with two children.The eldest was a girl and the youngest was a boy.The girl's name was Sabrina and the boy's namewas Sam.Sabrina hated Sam because he was veryannoying.Sam was very sad that his sister hated him.Every time Sabrina does a mistake mom would seeand Sabrina blames at Sam and mom would scoldSam.Every time Sam would be forced to do something.In his birthday Sabrina won't wish him happybirthday.And even in school every person will bully him andalso the teachers will bully.Nobody will take care of him.And one day,While Sabrina was coming from school someonekidnaped her and she became unconscious.And while Sam reached home mom asked Sam"You crazy punk! Have you seen Sabrina?" hereplied "why I didn't see her. What happened?" momtold surprisingly "What where is she? Oh no call dadlets go search" Sam told "Let's go!" dad came andtold "what happened? And why is this this madmandoing here!" "He is coming with us" dad tells "why""hello this is a family matter he is a part of the familyright" mom tells Sam becomes happy that his momtold something like that.Tomorrow they go and file a missing complaint at thepolice station.Sam rides his bicycle around the city to find SabrinaAnd there was a go down somewhere and hesneaks in and there he found many kidnapedchildren. And then he sees the most wanted criminalshadow lepray. This criminal moves like shadownobody can escape shadow lepray.Sam gets scared but he will do anything for his sisterAnd he takes his bicycle and rides it on shadow andtells Sabrina to run and he ran rides out the go downand that happened so fast that shadow lepraycouldn't even move and gets super angry and ranout to catch but he was too late and Sabrina thanksher brother and was kind to her brother ever after************************TheEnd***************************
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