Chapter 1

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Standing in front of the old school building with yellow and navy blue colorings. The navy blue was almost gone but the building still held Its allure and charm. At the top of the building in faded black or navy blue I think was "Tamana High" ; where my new world begins I thought to myself.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Callie Nelson and I am 18 years old. Not to sound proud but, I've been called gorgeous and I know I am. I have curves in the right places and my long legs compliment my figure. My features gets me a lot of attention and I am yet to discern if these features are curses or blessings.
I love my body but sometimes I hate the attention it gets me. I wish I could go unnoticed or just blend in; if only wishes were horses.
I've been moving from place to place since I was 15 until I stumbled upon Tamana. A peaceful secluded town a little far from the city. I loved the green vegetation and tall trees, I always have. And now I'm going to attend my senior year in Tamana high, hopefully without any interruptions.
I have been staring at the school building for over 5 minutes now and I'm beginning to get some strange stares. Some group of guys kept giving me wolf whistles and some girls kept staring at me, some cold and others just curious.
I am wearing skinny jeans with a red top that says "Don't talk to me" I know, wrong shirt for the first day but I'm not really one to make friends. I don't talk much and I don't like being around people. I sent the girls the coldest stare I could muster and they shrank with fear. I've been told that I come off as intimidating, well, comes in handy.
I entered the building and went to the reception to get my schedule. Behind the desk was a middle aged woman with big brown eyes, pointed nose and ears. She was short and looked somewhat like an elf. She gave me a warm smile and said,
"how may I help you dear?"
I snapped out of my trance and said,
"my name is Callie Nelson, I'm new here..."
Oh! She said, " Callie Nelson", she typed something on her computer and then gave me my schedule with my locker number and combination and a map of the school. She wished me the best of luck and I thanked her because I was sure I was going to need it.
"First day of school Callie, stay under the radar". I kept repeating that mantra to myself. I went to my locker which was on the second floor. I placed my books and other things in my locker and took the things I needed for the first classes. Looking at the schedule, I had maths first, Yay! I love maths, then literature, history and biology. I was walking to my first class looking at the map when I walked into something hard and fell on my butt. Why was there a pillar in the middle of the corridor? I wondered. Then I heard a groan and looked up. Ok! Pillars don't talk, they don't have bulging muscles, sexy body, blue eyes with a straight jawline and a five o'clock shadow and most importantly pillars don't glare at you.
"watch where you are going little girl!"
Mr bulging muscles said. His voice was so deep and husky, wait! Did he just call me little girl? I stood up and tried to look him in the eyes but he was taller than me, he looked to be around 6'5, no wonder I thought he was a pillar. Back to business,
"well grandpa, if you weren't so busy taking up all the space then I wouldn't have walked into you"
I said. He looked furious,
"did you just call me grandpa?"
I smirked,
"what? Would you have preferred grandma?"
He looked so furious it was like smoke was coming out of his ears. He grabbed my wrist and said in a menacing tone.
"little girl, you have no idea who I am and you don't want to mess with me!"
I can't deny I was a little bit scared but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing that. So I yanked my wrist from his hold and replied
"I don't't care if you are Zeus or Hades, you have no idea who I am either and believe me you don't want to mess with me. Now if you will excuse me I have a class that I am late for thanks to you, grandma"
I quickly walked away before I could hear what his reply would be. Jerk! I was 20 minutes late, crap! I walked in and the class got silent. I could hear wolf whistles and flirty comments. The teacher silenced the class
'Callie Nelson right? "yes," I said
"you want to tell me why you are late to my class?"
No, not really, I thought but decided to not drag it out longer than necessary so I said, "I'm sorry sir"
''I will let it slide because you are new here, okay?
"thank you sir" I said. "alright go and have your sit"
I saw an empty seat at the back and I took it, 2 seats from me was a blond haired boy with green almost emerald eyes giving me a wide friendly smile, I tried to smile back a little. It was the polite thing to do right? But the girl sitting beside him was glaring at me. What did I do? I glared right back and she looked away. The teacher was teaching algebra, piece of cake! So I zoned out. So much for staying under the radar.

Chapter 1 done. We got to meet some of the characters. So what do you think?? 😁😁

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