𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 3

210 9 34

*8 years later*

'Bala'm, if you don't mind, I would like to use Fatma and Leyla to spy on the crusaders. They would be amazing and they have been begging for missions, lately.' said Osman. 'O...Ok... as long as they stay safe and not hurt themselves.' said Bala

"Don't worry, Bala'm, my close friend, his son and his nephew will be there. They will work together. I will not tell them about this but once they find each other, they'll know what to do.' said Osman. 'Osman...' Bala said with a smirk on her face '....what are you thinking?' 'Nothing, I better go back to my duties. Selam Aleykum.' Osman quickly left, as Bala let out a chuckle.

'Kızlarım, I have a task for you,' Osman started. Leyla and Fatma looked at each other with excited smiles. 'What is your task for us, baba?' Fatma asked, so excited that she would jump out her skin. Osman smiled and said , 'This is a hard task ..... I need you to spy on the crusaders..' Leyla's smile dropped, knowing the seriousness of the situation, she knew this was a tough and important job so she needed to be serious. She poked Fatma in the ribs, who immediately stopped jumping, and thinned her lips.

A few hours later, Fatma and Leyla had set off looking like maids. When they arrived, they went to a room and started "tidying books". Two soldiers walked in. 'I wish we were soldiers.' Fatma whispered to Leyla. Suddenly, Leyla noticed something out of the corner of her eye. The soldiers had swords, made with steels only found in Turk lands. And on it.................the Kinik Tribe Logo.

It was the tribe of their late nene, Halime Sultan, and the residence of one of their father's closest friends. 

'Look at the swords, Fatma, look at them.' Leyla hissed until Fatma finally looked at the sword. She was about to yell in joy, when Leyla stepped down hard on her foot. 

The girls just tried to ignore the boys but it was kind of hard for them to take their eyes off their own people. As the girls were sorting through the books, the boys put a sword on their necks, covering their mouths so they wouldnt make a noise. Fatma tried to reach for her dagger but she realised it fell. Leyla's hand couldn't reach down, or else the sword on her neck would dig into her, and kill her.

They were tied to the chair, and the boys smirked at each other. 'Osman Bey'nin Kizlar.' They turned around, and engaged in conversation.

'Kimsin!' shouted Fatma. Leyla and Fatma stared at each other and just about managed to get their hands free. Leyla slowly reached for her dagger and she gave Fatma her second dagger from her shoe and sneaked up on them. They grabbed their shoulders, and put the daggers to their neck. 'KİMSİN, KONUŞMAK, SPEAKKKKK!' spat Fatma. The older boy sighed before saying, 'I am Mohamed, and this is my cousin, Mustafa. I am one of your father's friend's son. Leyla, I thought you would have known, seeing as your supposed to be the older and cleverer one.' said Mohamed, his words dripping with sarcasm. 

Leyla ripped her dagger away from the boy called Mohamed. 'Let me guess, you did know when you saw our swords, but you needed more proof.' Mohamed rightly guessed, as Leyla nodded.  As they started to turn to pick up the rope, Fatma asked her burning question. 'How did you know we were Osman Bey's daughters? We could have just been normal slaves.'

'Well, my uncle told us how to find you and told us we would work together to spy on the Crysaders. And also to tell you that your father didn't want you to know we were coming, so it looked more realistic.' explained Mustafa.

They laid out a plan, but Leyla looked worried. 'Abla, are you ok?' 'Nothing is wrong, we just need to finish the task Baba set for us.' replied Leyla. After they had done the first part of their plan, they met up at midnight. 'We will have to split up into twos again...but umm......my uncle set our twos.... he sort of wanted us to get to uhh... know each other.' Mustafa unsteadily said. However, he secretly was really excited about it because he was with Fatma and he found her really beautiful and kind. Leyla was hoping she was with Mohamed since she got to know him quite well and wanted to know more. 

𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚 𝕐𝕠𝕝𝕦𝕟𝕦 𝔹𝕦𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕜 丨 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕨𝕒𝕪Where stories live. Discover now