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Pats POV
As I woke up I realized that I wasn't in the black abyss and I was in my bedroom, I guess I got control today. Just then Colin busted through my door yelling something about an emergency as I finally woke up and realized what he was saying I asked what had happened and what he said shook me to the core , apparently everyone in La'carnival was missing and on top of that the Protecters were too, as soon as I heard this I asked how he know this and he replied that Nix came by and told them what had happened so everyone went to help then I got out of bed and asked Colin to leave as I after I got dressed, I opened my door when I felt an odd presence behind me I turned around Nix was standing there holding a sword and then I could see nothing .

Three down one to go honestly that was pretty easy no wonder why some of the people were saying that the guilds had gone soft.

Rewritten slightly
Word count 188

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