Chapter 2

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Freddie wake up from the sound of his phone vibrating, it's Niall. He's just surprised that Niall is texting him for what ever reason and his parents forgot to take his phone.

Niall:  Hey kid are you're parents still sleeping?

Fred: Yeah, why?

Niall: I bought a bunch of avocados, and ima put them in their room so Louis can be pissed.

Fred: You're crazy you know that right? But I guess I can help.He's already pissed at me so, I don't care.

Niall: Why would he already be pissed at you.What did you do this time?

Fred: I got expelled from school :).

Niall : geez kid.I'm proud. Now I'm outside let me in.

Fred:  This is why you're my favorite uncle.

Few minutes later he walks out of his room trying not to make any noise.He manages to get down stairs without tripping or knocking something over.He tends to be clumsy sometimes.He soon opens the door for Niall and telling him not to make any noises.He doesn't realize how many fucking avocados he bought, must be like hundreds of them.They both slowly walk up stairs and opening the door to Harry and Louis room.They end up finding a white marker, so they decide to draw faces on the avocados.Freddie starts to wonder if they got in a fight last night since there sleeping with a gap in the middle and not cuddling each other like they always do.They start to place the fruit around them.They suddenly stop as soon as Harry starts to move.Thankfully he doesn't wake up.

They take a step back and look at their master piece. " This is perfection", Niall whispers to Freddie.Niall then places one last avocado in Louis hand and he wrote on that one, which said, "I love you but this is a declaration of prank wars ;)".

"Wanna go get McDonald's ?",  Niall ask the kid.

"Im not allowed to go out the house without their permission".

"You're parents are sleeping and McDonald's is right down the street, so I won't tell them that you went out.Plus they sleep for a long time trust me."

Freddie nods his head and they both head towards the door.Few minuets later they arrive at McDonald's. "Where going to have to take breakfast back home kid."

"Oh okay, should we get something for Darcy too?"

"Oh yeahhh, I totally forgot you had a sister." Niall starts laughing historically.Couple minutes later and their on there way back to the Stylinson Flat,(as he calls it).They quietly enter the house and walk towards the kitchen.

"Hey Niall"

"Yes Freddie?"

"Do you think theirs something wrong with me?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I beat up a couple kids and knocked out a kid."

Niall was about to talk until he saw Harry coming down the stairs.

"I take it was Niall that put all the avocados in our bedroom?" Harry says as he's pouring water into the kettle to boil.

"Who else would it be." Niall starts laughing.

"I also manage to put one in his boxers." Harry starts to chuckle. " and you Freddie, you could have at least texted me you went out with Niall, I was already awake when you guys finished and I thought you were going to text me."

"Im sorry papa.I'll ask next time just don't be mad.Please." Freddie's face turned happy to sad real fast.

"I'm not mad son." Harry says as he walks over to him and giving him a fatherly and son hug.

"WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKK!!!" Louis screams.The 3 lads start laughing.Soon Louis comes running down stairs and spots Niall. "I'm going to fucking kill you Niall!" Louis then starts chasing Niall around the flat.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!", Harry shouts. "If you kill Niall then you're sleeping on the couch for a month and no sex.Also you woke up Darcy with your screaming." Freddie gets up and starts waking over to Darcy's room.

"Oh lord, thank you Harry.I owe you, I'll buy you some Nandos." Niall offers as he hugs Harry.

"Niall are you trying to ask my boyfriend on a date?"

"No Louis im just offering him food for saving my life, and look your daughter and son are coming." Niall says as he's pointing to the stairs.

"Papa? Daddy?" Darcy says as she cries and letting her self go from Freddie's arms.

"Come here darling" Harry says as he opens her arms for her to come into his arms.When he picks up Darcy he looks at Louis and rolls his eyes. "What the hell was that for styles."

"What do you mean Tomlinson?" Harry rolls his eyes again and starts to inmate him.

"You keep rolling you're cute green eyes at me."

"You woke her up lou.She has a sleeping schedule going on.Now she's not going to take her afternoon nap and she'll fall asleep really late." Soon Darcy is crying again uncontrollably. "Daddy"

"Yes sweetie?"

"My tummy and head hurts." She holds he stomach and he other hand on her forehead.

"Lou, go get the medicine." Louis rushes to the medicine cabinet they had ever since they moved in together.he found the medicine and looked at the bottle looking at the measurements for children's corresponding age, he uncapped the bottle poured the medicine in a little cup and brought it to Darcy and Harry who were sitting on the couch.Darcy immediately through the medicine all of Harry. "Darcy, babe you have to drink your medicine to feel better."

"No!" Darcy started to cry even more.

"Lou can you take her to the hospital? I have to go do this shit interview and when it finishes I'll head to the hospital afterwards."

"Yeah okay baby.I'll have to take Freddie to since we don't have a babysitter."

"Umm lads? Are you guys still aware that I'm still here.I can take care of Freddie." Niall offers.

"Oh shit yeah, can you?" Louis says in a panic voice.

"Yeah of course, okay"

Niall goes to sit down on the couch and just starts watching Harry Potter.Louis put on his usual black and white vans, sweatpants,and one of Harry's jumper. After he's done he gets the diaper bag and puts in snacks, couple of diapers, and extra par of clothes just in case.They both walk out the house and start walking to Louis black Mercedes.

"C'mon Darcy get in your car seat so we can go." As he buckles Darcy in her car seat he hears the door open.He looks up and it's Harry.

"I'll try and be there as fast as I can okay?"

"Yeah okay, drive safe haz."

"You to babe. I love you."

"I love you too."

Louis stands on his tiptoes, puts his arms around Harry, and leans into him to kiss him.Harry pulls him closer.Louis pulls back and just stares at Harry.

"I have to go.I'll text you when I'm on my way to the hospital."

"Okay.Darcy say bye to popa."

"Bye popa.mwah." Darcy says softly and blows a kiss at him.

Louis gets in the car and stars the ignition. Minutes later they arrive at the hospital. "Hello im Louis Tomlinson, and i'm here to check in my daughter Darcy Styles Tomlinson."

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