Louis woke up before harry. Louis just decided to lay on his side and just stare and admire his boyfriend. Louis decided that moment that he couldn't wait any longer to propose to him and make harry his forever. He gives harry a soft kiss on the lips before getting up. He finishes get ready and leaves a note for Harry to read when he wakes up. He found a piece of paper and pen and started to write. The note said, 'Good morning babe. Sorry im not there next to you when you wake up but ill be back soon. I'm taking the kids with me so you'll sleep more. I also have something planned for us later so don't make plans with other people. Check down stairs. I love you and ill see you soon.' He drew a little heart on the card and left it on the drawer next to Harry's side of the bed. He walked down the hall and stopped in front of Freddie's and Darcy room. He knocked on the door before entering and he saw Freddie laying on his bed wide awake watching TikTok. "Freddie get ready where going out." All louis could hear was a groan and mumble from the kid. "Do I have to go?" Freddie says as he slowly gets up. "yes now get your lazy ass up. Ima go get your sister ready and by the time im done you better be down stairs ready." Louis smiled at him then walked to the other side of the hall. Surprisingly Darcy was already awake and playing with her stuffed animals that were in her crib. "Hello princess." Darcy looked so surprise and she started to giggle. "Daddy" she stood up and started jumping. "lets get you ready princess."
Louis got Darcy ready and packed her things. He headed downstairs and got breakfast ready. Minuets later and Freddie walks down and sits at the table to eat some breakfast. He made pancakes and cut some fruit up. Darcy was on her high chair eating a pancake with some strawberries and a couple of blueberries. Louis save a plate of pancakes for Harry knowing he was going to be hungry when he woke up, kind of typically of him. Once they finished having breakfast and Louis having to clean the dishes they head out to the drive way and sit in there black Audi 6 car. "So where are we going that you had to drag me and Darcy out of bed and leave popa alone in the house so bad." Freddie says as Louis starts the car.
"Well since you're going to fin out and it partly includes Darcy. Well im planning on purposing to Harry today."
"holly shit dad that's amazing."
"Hey language. But yeah were almost there too and we also need to get decorations for Darcy's party."
"Sorry. But have you guys chosen a them yet because I was thinking that we could do a beach thing since she likes Moana?"
"You know I was thinking the exact same thing."
They soon walk into a Tiffany & Co. Freddie and Louis are looking at engagement rings for a while now until they both saw a ring that was absolutely perfect. It was a silver ring with blue sapphire gemstone in the middle. "Hello. I would like to buy this ring."
-Harry's POV-
I woke up and felt and see if Louis was beside me but he wasn't. Pretty quiet for a house with 2 loud kids and one obnoxious man, at 1 in the the afternoon. Darcy would've been up and Freddie would be shouting that he's losing at Call of Duty. I checked to see if they were down stairs but they weren't. But I did notice a plate of pancakes. I finished eating the pancakes and surprisingly there not that bad. I went back up stairs to text Lou but then I noticed a little card. So there out and im bored. Maybe I should just text him but I don't want to make him come home just because I want him here, you know what im just going to text him.
H: Hey babe. How long are you going to be out? You didn't wake up next to me this morning. I miss you. :(
That should do it right? Hopefully he comes home quicker. To keep myself busy I just start doing Darcy birthday invitations. Don't know why when we can just text our families and her friends from daycare, but since Louis wanted to do it we have to its an order we have to 'follow' according to him and also because my had writing is much better than his. I end up finishing all the invitations and im still bored. I was about to head to the couch to watch how I met your mother but my I got a notification from Lou and I couldn't ignore him even though he left me alone in this big empty house but I mean he also could have told Eleanor to drop off Clifford but no the little shit left me alone.

Fiksi PenggemarThis book is about how Louis Styles and Harry Styles are trying to recover over the tragic death of their 5 year old daughter Darcy Marie Styles Tomlinson. Most of this book contains a lot of dialogue.