Keep quiet.

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My alarm awakens me and I turn over in agony as I let out a loud groan. I hate Mondays but honestly what teenager in high school doesn't?  My body is weak, my mind is drained and I have little to no faith that I'm strong enough to survive another day in school, especially if that means having an encounter with Harry.

Ever since that day in the dressing room, my nights dreams contain nothing but those actions from those pleasureable 5 minutes me and Harry shared.  Even though my mind screams regret and constantly pesters me to never repeat what had previously happened between us, my body seems to tell a whole different story and I begin day dreaming about those few minutes for what seems like the thousandth time in the last 3 days.

I feel the wetness down under begin to form as I fantasize about me and Harry spending some more time together and my body shivers continously as my body becomes coherent to the way his lips feel against my body.  The warm embrace his body withholds and engulfs me in is undeniably intoxicating beyond words and right now I wish for nothing more.

The confidence he has is endearing yet timidating at the same time and it turns me on to no fucking extent.

I almost consider touching myself to the fantasies, obviously including Harry,  swarming my mind because if I'm to be totally honest, I want him so bad. So damn bad that it drives me completely bonkers and I almost forget who I am for a second. But I am almost 18 and I want that full teenager experience whether it be sexual, or my first heart break, or even having my first boyfriend. I want to live my life with no regrets even if it hurts me in the end.

"Honey, you're going to be late to school!" I hear loud thud sounds emerging from the other side of my door and I immediately rid of every sexual thought I might have of Harry.


"I swear to fucking Christ if another little freshman squeals again I'm going to shoot every single one of them."

Millie nods in agreement and sticks her tongue out at the crowd of freshman, the majority of them being girls, crowded around the principal who is about to announce the theme to this year's homecoming.

"Our votes are in and our theme is.... Disney characters!"

What the actual fuck.

Millie and I laugh hysterically at the ridiculous theme for homecoming. It's pretty obvious that the sophomore and freshman had the over ruled vote because no fucking way would any upper class man vote for that idiotic shit.

"That dance is going to be dead omg." Millie practically reads my mind as she speaks and I continue to laugh while ignoring the glances and glares from the crowd and I restrain myself from flipping each and everyone one of them the bird. God I hate this place.

"What's all the fuss about." My heart beat quickens in pace as Harry is standing directly in front of me looking as sexy as ever and I eye him up and down repeatedly taking in his unexpected presence.

"Homecoming dance. I guess our theme is Disney characters how immature is that." Millie summarizes for Harry and I keep quiet, replaying everything in my mind that happened the last time we met and I quickly meet his gaze but advert it away as his famous smirk makes another reappearance and my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Harry shrugs to Millie and looks around the crowded area before speaking.

"Idk it seems kind of unoriginal and cool." Which causes Millie to burst out in hysterics which in effect causes Harry to form and I can't keep my sight off of this devious, plump lips and imagine every possible dirty thing he could do to me with them.

"Are you serious right now?! I think it's the worst theme any school has come up with. I'm for sure not attending that awful dance." Millie fights back and Harry's face becomes prominenet with aggrivation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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