Take me

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Rose took a step back when Ares stalked towards her.

"She was the one your father selected for guarding you......a woman who was totally hitting on you. Will all due respect if I saw her anywhere near you, I am going to kill her."

"M-Me?" the girl widen her eyes in realization.

"I was....I just want you....I am sorry."

"Believe me princess you are going to get enough of me today." And with that she was hurled back onto his shoulder like a potato sack squealing like a mouse. Anger was radiating off him and Rose wanted to smack her head now for being so possessive of him.....ofcourse he was allowed to have friends but those that did not take him away from her.

Rose could not believe how ridiculous she sounded in her own head.

"I am so sorry Ares, I was jealous."

"Don't worry, I am going to cure your jealousy and curiosity altogether." Rose shuddered as he walked towards her room, throwing open the door and closing it behind him, he dropped the girl onto her bed as she scurried away from him.

Rose did not wanted to admit but when Ares was raged, he looked so hot, those veins on his arms popping up as his muscles tightened. Just one more day and he was hers....she would take the permanent glue and stick to his side like a chipmunk.

"Take off your clothes....I want you naked." Rose trembled as she took him taking off his belt before he leisurely opened his shirt buttons displaying that honeyed skin beneath.

"There are so many people down-"she replied distractedly.

"Take your clothes off Rose or I am going to take you to the balcony and fuck you so hard that even the gods will see that you belong to me." Rose whimpered as her hands fumbled to get the gown off her body before taking off the undergarments as well.

"Ass up, face down little girl." Rose breathed shakily as she arched her back just like he wished to present her creamy ass to him while burying her face in the pillow to stop any noises, she did not wished for the people in the party to hear her screams as she begged Ares.

A warm palm was tracing her spine before resting on her bubbly ass. The touch was so gentle that the girl forgot what was going to happen.

A hard smack turning her bubble butt red was what made her cry out in the pillow before Ares held both her globes massaging it gently as if the handprint on her skin wasn't his doing of moments ago.

"Count baby." The rumble that resonated from inside his chest made Rose raise her head and turn her head a little to get a glimpse of the man that was going to be her husband.

"Ares." She called out like a siren song making the mafia prince lose all his sense and rain smacks after smacks on her bottom. The girl cried like a beautiful melodious symphony, her pussy weeping for his touch. With her ass on fire, the only thing that could soothe her was his touch.

Unknowingly the pinkish globes were raised higher as if asking him to do something. Ares saw her inviting peach pussy right in his view and couldn't help but dive his head down to take a long slurp of the juices dripping down her thighs. His tongue lapped up the sweet syrup as his girl twisted in sheet screaming into the pillow as his tongue entered her core.

Rose didn't even knew till how long the fiasco of him teasing her and leaving her on the edge continued but the girl soon found herself loose the feeling of her legs as she slumped down on the bed unsated.

Her boyfriend climbed up the bed flipping her body to the front so to have her body flushed to his chest. His mouth swirling with her sweet flavor kissed the tear streaked face of the girl who whimpered before her frail fingers wrapped around his shoulder.

The intoxicating kiss made them moan in unison as their lips melted with one another, the fire danced on her body when Ares cupped one of her breasts, his thumb and forefinger pinching her hard nipple softly making Rose break the kiss and cry out.

While Ares licked her neck going down to her breast taking one in his mouth their eyes closed as if searching of one another in a celestial realm. Neither knew what was to be done next but they were painfully aware that they needed the touch. Ares was lost, his fingers tracing her body everywhere, each nook and cranny, trying to explore who she was in every inch of her curves.

Rose moaned and whimpered trying to remember who she was, the indecipherable feeling that the man playing her body.... her Ares, was calling out her name so softly as if he was not even aware of it just wanted to mingle her soul in his.

When his cock entered Rose, Ares latched his teeth to the side of her aching breast as Rose tugged on his silky hair crying out.

He promised to fuck her, the slapping of skin as his cock entered her pussy and buried in her womb was the beginning of his promise. With every single thrust she climbed her orgasm and soon Rose was weeping as she came all over his cock creating a mess.

It was almost midnight when she entered this room and the way she was fucked again and again just a day before their wedding made her realize that Ares did not cared at all about sleeping as his thrusts were getting sloppier and powerful with each passing second, even after coming in her womb he wasn't satisfied at all, he wanted to mark her whole body with his touch.

"Ares p-please-oh god!" Rose was unable to help her pussy creaming yet another time as her eyes rolled back into her head making her shudder with Ares spurting ropes of cum inside her body. The man pulled her closer refusing to take his cock out, while she was on the verge of passing out she hear him whisper something.

"greedy little baby" and after that she slept like a baby.

A/n: So your girl is half dead, having bad cramps, internally crying and unable to sit cuz mother nature decided this was a perfect day to ruin my life......

.....LOVE ME!!!

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