Birthday gift II

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Rose -17

Ares parted her black hair to a side, exposing the slender pale neck that he cannot help but compare with his tanned, callused hand that was gently caressing it.

A single harsh touch and he could break her.

His heart almost shattered with how delicate his Rose was, too good and naïve. She had never seen the cruelty of world and Ares wanted it to remain that way. She was like a small, colourful bird in his palm looking forward to fly and explore the skies not understanding the way of predators that might harm her.

He understood that it was so easy to manipulate her and that made him cherish her even more, be cautious of his actions a hundred times better because he wanted to help her in expanding her beautiful feathers, wide and fluttering with wind and flying with freedom and never ever plucking the same feathers.

While Ares was focused on her neck, his thumb and fingers tracing it with love, deep in thought, Rose held his shoulders watching him lost and thinking.

"Ares I really love you." that flowed out harmoniously without contemplating much and giving more thoughts, it just felt right at the moment. The silver irises with ice encrusted in them looked at her in mirth before he dived his head into the crook of her neck peppering it with kisses.

"Ares" a soft whisper followed by a shaky moan was what escaped Rose's lips when his mouth opened sucking the sweet spot making her tighter her hold around him. a warm tongue licked the area he had bruised making Rose whimper in need.

"More, I need-" before the sentence could be finished soft lips danced on her own plump ones as under the open sky with cotton clouds scattered on the blue canvas Rose had her first kiss admist of a spring field covered with a lush carpet of pink as petals fell from Japanese cherry blossom trees that seemed to celebrate her joy.

Each petal that fell like dew drops before the first morning sun swirled in wind before settling on their bodies and falling down like feather.

Their lips moved in sync like a song that had a perfect melody and it was as if the whole world had came to the beginning or to the end, as if everything that was known ceased to exist

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Their lips moved in sync like a song that had a perfect melody and it was as if the whole world had came to the beginning or to the end, as if everything that was known ceased to exist.

Passion and dedication was poured together taking Rose's breath away, she could not even decipher but taste the sweetness of his lips as it hungrily took her breath away. Her own head resting on his chest as she shuddered completely sated with the heartwarming feeling covering each pore of her skin.

"Rose, was this your first kiss?" Ares knew the answer to that but still asked smiling, trying to tell her something that would soon enlighten her whole being with absolute happiness.

When the girl raised her head, biting her lip innocently nodding to the question, Ares grinned.

"Mine too."


Her feet were dangling down the kitchen island that was made up of black granite as she watched Ares making her pizza right beside while she sat watching him with tilted head.

Her bum was placed on his coat that was sprawled on the cold counter to prevent the chill from seeping into her skin. Rose gently moved a lock of hair from his eyes as he chopped cherry tomatoes skillfully using his knife.

"Why did you choose me?" she asked him making a pause in the comfortable serene silence that had engulfed both of them.

"I-I mean you are so handsome Ares, you are so nice a-and you-" she explained when the said man raised an eyebrow trying to understand how come she came to ask him that.

"-you have to wait, to endure and at times.....t-there is n-nothing that we did for past an year Daddy, I have heard my friends talking about b-boys and by the way they describe....t-they are not nice, they w-want things and the ones in m-my school have a different girlfriend almost every month.

You d-don't even ask for anything.

Why Daddy?" she sighed her voice getting lower towards the end, almost a whisper as she drew patterns on the counter with her fingers.

"Princess...... its always you Rose, always have been you. As a child I had seen my parents and could not understand why they were almost a legend in the mafia dynasty....why there were envious looks that were thrown at them from everywhere we went together.

They love each other so much so that there are no words to describe it and I have been a spectator of it all my life. I had dreamt to have have the type of power my father had, the power to keep my woman as happy as my mother is in his presence.

You should see it Rose, see how he senses her feelings, even though distances apart he feels her like he breathes in her soul and I envy it.

Envy how he looms over her like her shadow, his eyes cannot seem to see anything that does not have her, there were countless women that came to our empire Rose and not even once I saw my mother even batting an eyelash about it, she trust him like....her whole heart sees him as a god that would never ever harm her or let anyone hurt her.

And he..he is crazy for her, too blind to see anything or anyone infront of her.

And I never understood it completely until the day you entered my life." Ares looked at Rose as if she was a magic, a miracle of the god himself while Rose was frozen upon hearing Ares.

Comparing their love to Ajax and was like ethereal and eternal flame. Their love was something people could only dream of having and even after sacrificing their whole soul cannot even get.

"I saw you Rose and I saw my purpose, understood why my father loves my mother like that. Because I breathe in you Rose, my heart cannot seem to bear differences with you, I love you, I need you and want you with everything.

Your body.....I worship it baby, how can I just go ahead and touch you when I know you aren't ready for that, that having you so close in itself is the greatest wish come true." Happy tears flowed down as Rose jumped on Ares hugging the life out of him.

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