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I stormed off, angry but also relieved she wasn't following me anymore. I scared her. She watched me as I walked away, leaving her with a frightful look that spread across her face. I was headed back towards the coffee shop we were near earlier. I counted my steps. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I'd look back every tenth step just to make sure she wasn't following me, she wasn't. I guess I was intimidating enough.

"Got enough black on emo?" A boy that I couldn't quite see shouted across the street to me. My hands clenched by my sides, and his friends who were just black shadows standing under a building, laughed. I didn't defend myself, I could easily beat anyone in a fight, but my mom would hate it when I got in fights. She would cry whenever I came home with bloody knuckles and a fat lip, which was about twice every week. I haven't gotten in a fight in 3 years since she died, and I wasn't going to disappoint her now. I wonder if she misses me. I wonder if she even has feelings anymore. I wish I knew she was safe and happy. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy. Dad always treated mom horribly. She'd have bruises all over her all the time. I stopped leaving her alone with him but it was impossible most of the time. I had to go to school and work and help out with money. Dad was barely ever home, but when he was it was never good. He would cheat on Mom all the time. Mom wanted to leave him, well we all did, but he threatened both of us if we ever left. We also needed the income he brought in, even though it wasn't much. Dad was the main reason I learned how to fight, but I never got the chance. I was too weak until after Mom died. After she and Rony got shot I went home, in need of breaking every bone in Dad's body for Mom, but he was gone and I haven't seen him since. He left me all alone with nothing, not even a damn goodbye. So I left too. I left everything I had back in England and came straight to New York. Mom always dreamed of coming to New York so I thought maybe I'd find her here, I didn't.

I kept walking up the busy street as the boys kept making jokes about me. As I opened the door of 'Jone's coffee shop', I gave a big smile towards the boys as I told them to fuck off. They all tried to run across the street in a big herd towards me but got cut off by the big bus at the stop light.

"We'll see you around big guy." The boy flashed a smirk, and suddenly disappeared into thin air. Him and his friends were no longer there. Then I realized they never were. I wish I was dead. It's all that damn girls fault. She's the reason why I'm still here instead of where I want to be, wherever that is. I'm going to try again, just not today because for all I know that girl probably already told the police to watch out for a suicidal kid on the bridge. I hope she sees it in the newspaper when I finally do. I want to show her I'm unfixable, no matter how hard she tries.

I entered the shop, a big gust of warm air surrounded me. I looked through the window to check if the girl was following me or not. Michelle? Was that her name? Whatever I don't care. She was on the top of my list of people I hate and I never want to see her again, under my Dad of course.

I grabbed a water from the big refrigerator and slowly made my way to the counter, dragging my heels across the tiled floor. My shoes seemed to be getting more holes by the second, but they supported my feet so that's all that mattered.

I looked at all the past employees of the month hanging on the wall as I waited in line. I read each of their names and looked at their pictures. Mostly everyone's picture was horrible besides a girl named Vanessa, but even though her boobs that were practically falling out of her shirt, she still didn't catch my full attention.

"Excuse me, are you ready to pay?" An old man that had mostly no hair and a blue apron wrapped around his waist called out to me from behind the counter.

"Yeah." I stepped up and put my water on the counter as I continued scanning the employees of the month.

"How are you today?" The man spoke. I looked up and gave him a shrug, not bothering to be polite and ask how he was doing. Polite isn't one of my qualities.

I went back to scanning the wall as I came across a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her name read 'Mackenzie'. She looked just like the Michelle girl, but her name was Mackenzie. Maybe a twin sister? She looked much prettier than the girl I met earlier.

"That'll be $1.25" The old man said. He smelled of coffee and cigarettes but he seemed like an okay guy. I heard him but I was too distracted by the Michelle and Mackenzie problem to answer. "Sir, are you okay?" He questioned.

My head snapped up, "Oh. Yeah I'm fine." I handed him $2.00. "Who's that girl?" I pointed to the picture.

He smiled, "That's Mackenzie. She's been working here ever since she was four. Ain't she beautiful?" He rejoiced and glanced at the picture yet again.

"Is she your prostitute or something?" I smirked.

"No! Of course not! She's my daughter."

My jaw dropped so low that I'm surprised it didn't hit the counter. "What do... you mean daught--ter?" I stuttered

"I mean she's my daughter. I made her with her lovely mother. I also have two sons." He turned around a picture frame that was perched near the cash register, revealing a picture of a girl and two boys at the beach.

"Does she have a twin?" My anger was starting to grow towards both him and the girl in the frame.

"Nope. No other girl out there like her. She's one of a kind." He grinned.

I forcefully snatched the water from his hand. My anger felt like it was bursting out of me, mad that this man raised his daughter this way. There was no twin. The stalker girls name was Mackenzie, not Michelle. What a waste of a beautiful girl with such a horrible and nosey personality inside of her. "Well tell your daughter to mind her own business." I stormed out of the coffee shop, not looking where I was going. A girl bumped into me. Mackenzie.

//This is basically just a filler to explain some background. I know it's not very intense right now but just hold on :) Thanks for reading loves! don't forget to vote and comment please and leave feedback! I also added/changed a few stuff in the first chapter so you might want to reread it again

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