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"Watch where you're going." I spat out at her.

"I-I'm sorry." She bent down to recollect her keys. She slowly looked up and made eye contact with me. "Oh, Harry. I didn't realize it was you." She seemed to freeze in place. Her long brown hair swished into her face, but she quickly swiped it away.

"I told you to not follow me." I glared at her, not bothering to help her up.

"I didn't know you were going to be here. I work here." She stood up and took a step into me.

"Yeah I know." I tried to walk to the door but she pushed me back. I can't psychically fight with her so I stood still.

"The last thing I want to do is cause a scene here, so please don't get mad." She started to plead.

"Then you should stop following me!" I raised my voice. I could care less about causing a scene.

"Harry, please don't yell." Mackenzie looked around the small coffee shop, with an empathetic look on her face.

Mackenzie's Dad walked over to where we were standing. "Are you two okay?"

"I'm completely fine, it's your daughter that's fucked up." I didn't move any part of my body but my mouth as I said this. Mackenzie looked shocked, I was unable to tell if it was at my words or how I already knew that this man was her father. She stayed silent.

"Excuse me?" You could tell he was trying to be as calm as he could.

"You're daughter is insane. She's been stalking me all day." I knew I was exaggerating but that's what I would have to do to get my point across.

He looked at his daughter as she shook her head. He kept speaking, "Could you please leave. We don't want to disturb our customers."

"You want me to leave?!" I snapped. I stepped closer to him, towering over him. He stepped back and glanced at Mackenzie.

"Yes." He stared directly at me. For such a small man he was confident, even though he shouldn't be.

There's no way I'm going to do anything this family asks of me. I turned away from the door and sat down in a small chair near a window. I set my water down on the table, being as assertive as possible.

The man followed me and sat down at the chair across from me. Mackenzie stayed put near the door. "I asked you to leave. Please leave before someone will have to make you."

"Now who's going to do that?! You certainly couldn't and neither could your daughter." I leaned back into the chair which creaked slightly. I looked around and started to speak to anyone who was paying attention to me, which was everyone in the small shop. "Anyone here want to make me leave?!"

No one responded. No one seemed to think twice about it.

"Get out." Mackenzie's Dad raised his voice. He stood up from the chair and pointed to the door. I leaned further back into the chair. If this family wanted me to leave, there was no way I was ever leaving.

Mackenzie ran up and grabbed her Dad's arm. "Dad, it's okay. Let me talk to him. Go back to working." Mackenzie gave the best apologetic smile she could manage.

"If he causes any more trouble just call my name." Her Dad sighed. He looked back at me once more before he left, retrieving back to his spot at the counter where he still stared me down.

Mackenzie sat down in the chair where her Dad was once sitting. I didn't make eye contact with her and looked down at my water instead.

"Promise me you won't cause any more scenes?" She asked. I looked up at her lips which kept moving but I wasn't listening. "Harry?" She raised her voice slightly to get my attention.

"Um yeah sure." I snapped out of my trance.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" This girl is going to kill me with her questions. I wish she would leave me alone or at least not question me about my whole life. I don't know her at all, so who does she think she is to follow me around and constantly ask questions that she knows I don't want to talk about.

"Not with you." I opened my water bottle, taking a big gulp. "I need to use the bathroom." I got up from the table, leaving my phone and water, and made my way to the back of the shop. I need to be alone. I want to get the hell out of this coffee shop, but if I leave then it won't piss anyone off so I can't leave.

The panic started to sink in. The panic of being alive, of not being able to stand another second alive. Every bone in my body started to fill with it. I tried to get myself to breathe but it was like all the air in the bathroom disappeared. Why am I like this? I don't want to be like this anymore. I want to be normal, happy. I want to love myself and everyone around me. I slid down the wall and sat down, my head buried in my knees. Why can't I breathe? I can't breathe. Oh my god I'm going to die. I'm going to die right now. I'm finally going to die. I'm going to suffocate in this small bathroom in a coffee shop. I'm going to be with Mom and Rony. I can't wait to see them. I'm going to die. I closed my eyes as relief flooded through me.

Air infused back into my lungs. I could breathe again. I tried to hold my breath but my body wouldn't let me. It was like all the forces of the earth wanted me to live even though it was my choice to die. There was a wetness sliding down my cheeks. No I can't cry. I wiped my face and stood up, replacing the sadness with anger. The bathroom was so small that all I had to do was turn around to reach the sink and splash water on my face. The cold water relaxed me, dripping down my jaw and onto my neck as it cooled my skin. After drying my face, I left the bathroom and glanced at Mackenzie before starting to walk. I saw her put my phone down on the table where I had left it before. I made my way to Mackenzie, but I didn't sit down.

"What were you doing with my phone?" Anger bubbled up inside of me as I snatched it away from her.

"I put my number in it, if you ever need someone to talk to." Her eyes were focused on my neck. Remains of water I forgot to wipe off were still present. A few seconds passed by without conversation due to my annoyance. She sighed, breathing onto a piece of hair that fell in front of her face, causing it to fly up and place itself back onto the top of her head. "Why don't you just talk to me?"

"Because I don't like you." I spoke sternly. There's no point in lying to her. I don't care if I hurt her feelings. I don't care about her at all.

"Bullshit. I may not be your favorite person but you don't hate me, so don't try to tell me you do."

"That's the problem though Mackenzie," I made sure to emphasize her name, "I do and I barely even know you, but the little I do know about you I despise. You took one of my decisions away from me, the only decision I've ever really cared about. So sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but I hate you almost as much as I hate myself, which is an unbearable amount."

// im not very happy with this chapter but I wanted to update because I haven't in forever. thanks for reading babes :)//

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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