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You went over to the door and looked at the person knocking. When you opened the door you saw a male with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes with a little blonde elf girl dressed in red. The male was dressed in a unique style. His hair was tied up in a half-up-half-down style. 

"Hello. I am Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious." The boy said.

"O-oh, hello! I'm Y/n." You stuttered a bit.

Why did I stutter that made me look stupid.

"I'm Klee!" The little girl said optimistically. 

"You give off an unusual aura. Can I research you?"

You were a little bit confused. What does that even mean?  You weren't completely against it to find out though. You realised you were zoning out.

"Uhhh, sure..?" You said with uncertainty.

The little girl dressed in red ran off to somewhere. 

"Let's get going then." Albedo said in a cool matter.

5000 steps later

Albedo had taken you to an icy mountain. It was marked as "Dragonspine" on the map. What an unusual name. We seemed to be in a camp-like place with and alchemy table and some torches.

"Let's begin then." He said.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" You were still a bit confused.

"We will do a few physical tests to see how your body reacts to certain things. First you'll have to glide to that spot over there." Albedo said and pointed to an ice covered stone.

"Alright, I guess I'll just do what he says." You thought.

3 chilly challenges later

You sighed out of exhaustion. These challenges were quite tough. Albedo had tested your speed, strength and fighting abilities. Your results seemed to amaze him in the slightest.

"I've seen similar results from another person. Hmm." He spoke while wondering off for a moment.

By the time we had finished the tests it was already turning dark. 

"Would you like to go eat something together?" Albedo asked in his usual cool manner.

"Sure, why not." You couldn't think about anything better than this. A dinner at a Mondstat's restaurant after a long day of physical exercise.

"Let's get going. We can still make it to Good Hunter's before they close if we move fast enough."

You sighed out of exhaustion. You didn't want to do any more physically exhausting things today. You just wanted to eat something and return to your room. You were planning to go back to Liyue tomorrow. Mondstat was great but Liyue felt like the place you belong at.

"Fine. But this will be the last exercise I'll be doing today." You said to Albedo.

A long, fast walk. 

You had finally reached Good Hunter. The waitress was still standing at the counter. 

"Welcome to Good Hunter how can I help you today?"

"We'll have two sticky honey roasts, please." Albedo ordered for us. We had agreed on this food while we were walking.

We ordered our food and sat down at the table outside near the counter. After some time our food came and we ate for some time.

After eating it was already dark so we both went back to the Knight's of Favonious. 

We said our goodbyes and both went to our rooms. 

After I entered my room I instantly took off my shoes and my outdoor clothes. I flopped on my bed and fell asleep really quickly.

Time: A little bit after midnight

Your dream:

I felt like I was being followed all the time. I was looking all around myself a didn't see anything or anyone. It was like a shadow was chasing me all around Liyue. Wherever I went it followed me.

I was running around Liyue like a crazy person, trying to escape the stalker. I would even feel like I saw it in the corner of my eye for a brief second. It looked like a Mitachurl but if it was impossible to defeat.

I saw it I would run, run and run. Wherever I hid It was always there. It gave off such an evil and nasty aura. It would make me uncomfortable until the point where i couldn't take it anymore.

I would break down with the feeling that it was right behind me. I'd put my back against the wall just to feel it above me or in next to me. 

I felt like there was no escape. 

The only escape was death.

I've never though about everything ending just like that. 

Just when I was thinking about that the monster was standing in front of me. The monster's eyes were filled with bloodlust. It looked like it wanted to kill me.

It kept getting closer,

and closer, 

and closer,

until a man with a mask and a spear appeared. 

He defeated the monster with incredible power.

He saved me from this horrid monster. I felt like I was forever in dept to him.

He came closer to me and helped me up.

At this point I was crying out of relief and still out of fear. 

"That thing will never bother you again." The man in a mask assured me.

All I could do at that point was choke out a brief "Thank you." 

"—— call out my name, ——-."

The dream became fuzzy and then you woke up in cold sweat, tears streaming down your face. You got up and went to the bathroom to wash your face. You went back to bed after washing your face with some cold water.

After that you didn't have a dream.


Hi! Uhh, I don't know how to explain this chapter coming out after the message that said Author-chan gave up but here you are.

Do NOT expect regular uploads though. Author-chan will try their best but no promises for chapters coming all the time in a timely manner. 

Also I've seen that you guys don't like Y/n being really naive which I will try to work on, also I fixed the 1st chapter saying that Xiao was a lot taller than Y/n. ALSO I will take your complaints of barely seeing Xiao into consideration. He's gonna be a lot more involved in the upcoming chapters.

Alright that's all. Don't forget to drink water, eat enough food and sleep at least 8 hours if you can.

Bye Bye, readers!

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