Plot structure and story length

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It can normally be hard to pin point how long your story is going to be. For 'Endgame', I originally set out for around around 35 chapters and now I am nearing 70! Sometimes, you can have new plot twists and ideas come into your head when you're not expecting it, and that's why your story will turn out longer. Here's a list of things to think about if you're struggling with how long/short you want your story to be.

Does your story have a plausible and intriguing plot?
If you're planning a range of plot twists/new characters into your story, this can be a good way to make your story longer and give you more focus as you're writing your chapters. Keep the reader intrigued, and think if you were that reader, what would you like to be reading?

Does your story really need lots of chapters?
Sometimes, if you create too many chapters it can often make the story feel really dragged out which will be particularly boring for the reader. As the writer, you may also feel as if your focus will waver because you're not interested in what you're writing. Remember, it's not about the quantity of chapters, it's all about the quality of writing.

There's always chance for a sequel
If there is ideas you really want to put in but you feel as if there isn't enough room in chapters, you can always put it into a sequel! There is no limit to how many stories you can write surrounding your main character. The opportunities are endless.


Here is Fraytag's pyramid for plot structure.

1. Introduction
2. Rising action
3. Climax
4. Falling action
5. Catastrophe, denouement, resolution, or revelation.

To apply this concept, let's look at Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone/ Sorcerer's stone

- Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are accepted into Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and wizardry.

- Harry realises that the mysterious package from Gringott's is now at Hogwarts.
- Harry, Ron and Hermione come up with a plan to save the stone and set it into motion.

- Harry's confrontation with Professor Quirell and, behind the turban, is Voldemort's face. Harry realises that Voldemort wants to destroy him. Harry protects the stone at all costs.

- Dumbledore destroys the philosopher's stone
- Harry discovers that his mother's love protected him while he was battling with Voldemort

- Gryffindor wins the house cup
- We, as the reader, understand that Voldemort will be a continued threat towards Harry.
- Harry returns to the Dursley's for summer.

In my story, I am following the structure of Freytag's pyramid. I think it really helps to break up the story and organise what you want to put in. I cannot show you how I've used the structure, as it will reveal spoilers! If you're planning a story, I would use this as the bones of your structure. You can flesh it out with character development, plot twists, new characters, settings etc.

Below, I have created a few story structure templates. These are good if you're starting out your story. I find that planning my chapters too much gives me writer's block, so I only really go in with an idea of what I'm going to write. I also find that if I listen to a few songs with the tone I want to create in the chapter I'm writing, it helps a lot.

What is the aim of this chapter?:

What song are you basing this chapter off?:

What is revealed in this chapter?:

What is the outcome of this chapter?:


Song title:

Lyrical inspiration:

Initial ideas:

Character linking:

I think these templates are particularly useful if you're starting off a story and you're trying to find your feet with writing style. As I began to write more chapters for Endgame, I found that I didn't really need to think of how the songs linked back to the main character because I was so use to writing her. If you're struggling with filling out a template, here's how I would structure it :)

What is the aim of this chapter?:
To establish the downfall in ____ and _____''s relationship.

What song are you basing this chapter off?:
Hello by Adele. It reminds me of the distance between these two characters and sets a gradual but worsening tone.

What is revealed in this chapter?:
Part of _____'s back story.

What is the outcome of this chapter?:
To develop the character of _____ through this plot twist.

And template two!

Song title:
Cry by Hans Zimmer

Lyrical inspiration:
This is an instrumental piece, but reminds me of something that is a lot more joyful.

Initial ideas:
The reunion of two friends

Character linking:
Links back to the caring nature of _____ and ____

Here is a link on Spotify where you can find these songs.

Hello by Adele

Cry by Hans Zimmer

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Cry by Hans Zimmer

See you in the next chapter!

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See you in the next chapter!

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