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Scott! You have mail, "Melissa shouts at the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, I'm coming," Scott shouts back. Scott runs downhill at speed. He takes the letter from Melissa's hands. 'Love letter?'. Scott laughs at what his mother says to Mother, because Scott hates it when she says things like this. Scott walks away and opens the letter:


Dear McCall,

You will probably wonder: What is your old school doing? We will answer that question for you. Since it has now been exactly 5 years since you left this great school, we think it would be fun to do a reunion. All students of the year 2017,2018 are very welcome to come. This takes place on Monday, so you would like it. I say what is stopping you!

Greetings, Team Beacon Hills High School


Well how cool, Scott thinks! Would Stiles come too? You know I'll give him a call! Stiles answers right away & says in a cheerful voice: 'Yes, I'll be there, Monday, I'll pick you up, Lydia is driving with us! See you monday'. Typically Stiles this, Scott thinks. Always keep it short. He has to laugh a little. Not just because of this phone call, but also because he hasn't seen Stiles for nearly a month. He works for the FBI & is really enjoying it, but he's busy too. He does call every day. The relationship between Lydia & Stiles is also going well. Scott is very happy for Stiles, his best friend's dream has come true. How happy can you be as a friend. He misses high school. So this reunion is really perfect for him. 'MAM! Monday, I have a reunion with my old class.' Well how nice for you, you can ask Kira to come along!" At the word 'Kira' he slowly feels a smile on his face. Scott hasn't seen Kira for a long time either. & he knows he is still very much in love with her. But he's worried that Kira might have found someone else. That would be understandable, Scott hasn't spoken to Kira for almost 2 years. She's been gone a long time, no idea where she is. But Scott can't help but ask her. Without a doubt Scott calls Kira and within 10 seconds Kira answers.

"Hello, who is this?"

Kira sounds anxious on the other end of the phone. Scott is a bit shocked, she sounds very scared.

'Hey Kira! You're talking to Scott. Scott McCall! Do you still recognize me?'

OMG SCOTT. What have I not spoken to you in a long time! How are you?

'Yes, it is certainly going well! Now work full time at Dr. Deaton. And I really enjoy it very much. & How are you?'

'Yes, good too. I am busy with my new job. Work at the bank now. Yes it is different from all that Kitsune happening. And I'm very sorry that I didn't call you '

'Hey hey, it doesn't matter. But I just called to ask if you would like to go to the reunion with Stiles, Lydia & I on Monday. From our old school.

'Mmmmm no, just kidding! Sure, sounds like fun! '

'haha, see you Monday!'

'see you Monday'

& the connection has been lost. Aw, its was nice to hear Kira's voice again, Scott think. 'And? Is Kira coming? ' Hear Scott ask Melissa. "yes she is coming!'' ''greattt''

Monday has arrived. Scott had really been looking forward to this day all week. He's so excited to see everyone. He is getting ready until he suddenly hears a horn, he immediately recognizes him: STILES IS THERE! Scott runs downhill at a speed, where Melissa is standing with her phone in her hands. "laugh Scott." Scott laughs sarcastically and rushes to Stiles, who is still honking. That guy has no patience either, think Scott. 'Hey buddy' says Stiles & they give each other a big hug. "I'm so glad to see you again!" Stiles says. "Now let's go" Scott shouts and turns the radio to 100 percent. "Let's pick up Lydia, okay?" Stiles says. Scott gives a thumbs up. Arriving at Lydia's house, Stiles runs towards the house. Scott waits in the car.

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