Chapter 16: Allie

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This pain...couldn't escape it. It felt like I was being burned from the inside-out. At the same time my body shivered from an intense chill hitting the tips of my fingers. Everything inside me felt as if swirling around like a hurricane.


After hours passed I began getting restless and more worried. What was taking the doctor so long. Isabelle kept to my side, trying to comfort me. It was no use though.
Till I heard the door opening. Isabelle met with the doctor and they whispered where I couldn't hear. The doctor and her glanced my way before Isabelle thanked him and escorted him out.
"What's wrong?" I asked her. She didn't answer me. "Is Allie okay?"
Isabelle put her hands up. "She's fine. He got them stable for now."
"Them?" I repeated.
"Liam, Allie's pregnant."
My body froze. Allie was carrying my child but that meant Allie took the serum with the child. They both got exposed to its toxins.
I walked around Isabelle into the room. Allie laid lifeless.
My mind was going a hundred miles right now. It was bittersweet news. I was happy but at the same time scared. Would it share my curse or be spared?
Then what will become of my Allie?
A hand touched my arm. Allie's hazel eyes were heavy and casted over with a white mist. No doubt from the serum. "Liam?"
"I'm here sweetheart."
"Everything is...a blur..."
I stroked her cheek. "It will pass soon."
"I'm so tired" she was struggling to keep her eyes open.
"Shh...get some rest. I'll be here."
Allie fell back asleep with ease. Isabelle stood by the door. "Why didn't you tell her?" She whispered.
I shook my head. "She's tired. I want her to focus on recovering before I do."
Isabelle turned to leave for the night. She had done her duties and was heading to her own home for a good night rest.
"Hey Isabelle" I called out.
She paused and turned.
"Thank you, for everything."
She smiled and gave a nod.
Once we were alone I finally took a moment to collect myself. My hands were stained with blood and my clothes all tore up. I looked horrible.
Allie was deep asleep so I took the opportunity to clean up and change clothes.
By the time I got back to Allie she was awake again. Her body shaking and her skin was hot to the touch. "Allie, don't fight the serum. The more you fight the more you suffer." Her eyes still covered with a white fog. They were full with pain and confusion. "I'm here to help all the way."
Her breathing got labored as she got worse. I cuddled against her and got her shaking less violent. Allie's hands clawed at me, but I stayed where I was. No pain could compare to a life without Allie.
'Mate, come' the beast commanded. My head throbbed from it wanting to come out. This was the worse time for it.
"You have to relax and let the transformation happen" I tried getting Allie to be less hurt.


Liam's voice was soft and assuring. My vision was clouded by this strange clouded blur but my hearing was picking up from the lack of vision. My body wanted to peel apart.
'Let me out' this growl voice appeared through my mind. Now there was a strange voice in my head. This was all too much to bear. Liam's low encouraging words was the only thing keeping me sane.
I felt restrained and the feeling made me feel like a caged animal. I didn't like it for one second. Then I felt Liam's skin onto mine. He was the one holding me.
"That's it" he uttered in my ear. "Calm down sweetheart. I'm right here" this purring vibration began from my chest. I could hear Liam snicker lightly to the touch or sound. "That's right, calm. That's the key to this transformation."


Allie slowed her breathing to a quiet rhythm. I didn't dare let go of her or leave her side though. I was afraid she would have another outburst again.
Days were passing and Allie still showed no signs of improvement nor declining either. It was making me worry. Because if she was declining I knew it was the serum taking over like many others I witness die from. But if she was improving then that met she was almost through the process.
Her fever hadn't died down yet either.
Isabelle visited after office hours or between if needing my signature for anything. She asked often though about Allie. My answer was always the same. Still no change.
This was my first encounter with the serum in a female body and with a baby within her.
I made sure she drank water and forced her to eat a few bites of food. Even with my efforts I saw her body thinning. This was a internal battle within Allie and she wasn't fighting.
I sat near her and took her hand.
"Allie, if you can hear me then listen. Your in a battle. The serum makes the creature but it's still your body. Your a fighter, I know that more than anyone. So show me what your made of and fight. Make the creature bow down to you and abide by your rules."


Liam's voice was so distant from me, but I could still hear. 'Don't listen to that weakling' the gravel voice talked over Liam's voice.
"No!" I screamed. "Liam isn't weak. This is my mind, my body, and your just a guest" I barked out.
'I'm stronger than you' it tried taunting me.
It wouldn't work. "Again this is my body which means I'm in control. Now listen or never see the light of day."
The voice fell silent.
That was a good choice. "I might be tired from this arguement but that won't stop me from fighting you. Now stay back and let me wake up." The darken creature from the shadows of my mind left without another word and I stood in triumph.
The next thing I knew when I turned was waking up to a ceiling fan above me. High ceiling and tall windows opened where a cool breeze hit my cheek. My body was stiff. What caught me off guard was what my sight saw next. It was like a trail. A visible trail I could see, but it wasn't of something physical. It was more of a scent trail I could see. Because what I smelt was a minty-whiskey mixture. Liam.
It showed everywhere he's been it looked like. Which, he must have been in here a lot. The room was covered with his trail.
"Liam..." my voice was cracked and low.


My pen dropped. I swore I heard Allie.  Isabelle was sitting across from me filing the bank statements from the company.
"What's wrong?" She caught my pause.
I turned to the stairs. Listening intently to any sound. Till I heard "Liam..." in a raspy whisper. My feet couldn't go any faster up the stairs. Isabelle following right behind.
When I finally reached Allie's room I was stunned. She was awake, fully awake.
Isabelle caught up and gasped. She saw what I saw. "Her eyes?"
I waved Isabelle to stay back. Allie's eyes were hazel but in a cat version. They were slim and staring us down as if we were prey. "Allie?"

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