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I hope you like this chapter.


The Nakano quintuplets and Izuku who was carrying Izumi, his little sister because she had fallen asleep.

Where walking towards to the Midoriya household. After a fun day at the beach.

Although not all was fun, because some guys tried to flirt with the quintuplets when Izuku and Izumi where away to get some icecream.


When the two Midoriya siblings made it back to where the quintuplets where.

"Um.. what's going on here...?" Izuku asked, wanting to now what the situation was, Although he already knew because of how uncomfortable the five girls looked and... anoyed.

"Scram kid. Before you get hurt." One of the six guys said. Izuku signaled to Izumi to get behind him and so she did.

"What, you gonna fight us?" One of the guys said who had probably a pig quirk, because his head was a pig head.

"If I have to then yes." Izuku said while looking at the six older guys infront of him.

"Oh we have a brave one." The same guy said. Izuku noticed that Miku was starting to get pretty anoyed by the guys infront of them.

And then.. without a warning she used her quirk to incase the six guys in ice to there stomach.

"Miku..." Izuku said. Miku replied with:" yes Izuku."

"I was about to use lightning on them." Nino said cutting of Izuku who was going to say something.

"Uh... maybe I need to be happy that Miku used her quirk instead... they would of been braindead if Nino used her quirk on them." Izuku whispered the last part although he was still pretty loud so everyone heard him.

"Hey I can hold back you know." Nino said while pouting. Izuku replied:" I know you can, but the question is if you wanted to hold back."

Nino didn't reply. Izuku then asked:" you where going to hold back right..?"

Izuku still didn't get a reply from Nino so he said:" right!?"

"Maybe... a little..." Nino said, only the recieve a look from her siblings and Izumi.

"Okay.. I was going to use my fullpower, now happy that I said it?" Nino said.

"Oh thank Kami that nobody died today." Izuku said. Izumi then said:" today?"

"Um... I'll tell you once you're older, okay Izumi." Izuku replied. While they had their conversation the six guys that where still stuck in the ice could only listen to them talk.

While they all realised to never mess with a girl again, because they could end up six feet under if they where unlucky.

The two Midoriya's and the five nakano siblings all turned to look at the incased man, to see that the ice had turned yellow.

"Ew..." Izumi said. While Ichika said:" gross.. I think we should pick a new spot."

"Yeah.. I don't want to have that as view." Itsuki said while she looked disgusted at the six man.

They picked up there stuff and where about to walk away. One of the guys then said:" can you maybe get us out of here first..?"

"No.. see this as you're punishment." Izuku said while he turned around to follow the girls because they had ignored the question and had walked away.

End Flashback

"Well today sure was something.." Izuku said. Nino then said:" yeah it was almost perfect if it weren't for those man."

"I found it pretty funny actualy." Yotsuba replied. The Nakano siblings then said except fot yotsuba:" we know."

"I have to agree it was pretty amusing, to how afraid they where of Nino, but I can relate." Izuku said.

"Hey!" Nino replied. Izuku then said:" what? Did you forget what you did to me the first day we met."

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Nino replied.

"You realy forget that.. you drugged him remember." Yotsuba replied. Nino then said:" you don't have to remind me!"

"Oh so you do remember.." Izuku said, but he was cut of by Nino who said:" okay I remember, can you shut up about that now."

"Sure.." Izuku replied. After that they walked to the Midoriya household in silence.

Ichika had knocked on the door and they only had to wait for a few seconds before Inko opened the door.

"Ichika!" Inko said cheerfully when she saw the girl infront of her, before giving her a hug.

"It's good to see you again Inko." Ichika then said. Inko let go of the hug and said:" so who is next."

"Me" Yotsuba said before trowing herself at Inko to give her a hug.

After they all gave Inko a hug, they started talking while Izuku went to put Izumi to bed.

"So shall we go now?" Izuku asked when he walked back outside to where his mom and his girlfriends where.

"You need to go already?" Inko asked.
Izuku replied:" yeah we still have something to say to their dad."

"Oh... can you tell Marou he lost the bet." Inko then said. Itsuki then asked:" what for bet..?"

"He will tell you...." Inko replied before she said goodbye and walked back inside to lock the door.

"Um.. okay." Izuku replied, before the six started walking to the five siblings there appartement.

Scene change

"I have won the bet.. making my ship sail.. or did a fleet sail.." Inko said to herself being happy for her boy to have five beautiful girlfriends.

To be continued

(I hope you liked this chapter.)

(Also I'm working on a new story, it will be a Bnha and Pokemon crossover, you can leave a comment at that story if you want something in it like which Pokemon you want for a character.)


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