Chapter 17

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The next day, Nick went to go visit his mother. She looked as weak as ever.


"Nick, honey." Sally's head turned toward her son. She tried her hardest to smile.

"I have good news, Mom." Nick walked up to her and held her hand.

"What's that honey?"

"She said yes."


"I asked Valerie to marry me, she said yes."

"That's amazing." Sally gave her all and smiled.

"Yes it is, Mom. I've never loved anyone this much in my life."

"I'm glad you picked her." Sally put her hand on Nick's cheek. She knew that Valerie was the one from the start.

"Me too. She wants to talk to you. Val!" Valerie walked in with a big smile on her face.

"Get over here, Val. Let me see it." Sally said anxiously. Valerie walked over to her and held out her left hand. Sally reached for the finger with the ring. "It's beautiful."

"I tried my best." Nick blushed.

"I would've accepted anything." Valerie said.

"You love him that much, huh?"

"You have no idea." They all smiled. "Sally, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey."

"Would you be my maid of honor?"

"Really?" Tears filled Sally's eyes.

"Of course. You deserve that position." Sally was a second mother to her. She wanted to ask her if she would walk her down the aisle, but she would do that later.

"I'd love to." She was honored.

"Great. We've decided to have it Saturday."

"That's 4 days from now." She laughed.

"We know."

"We want you to be there." Nick jumped in.

"I'll be there. I promise."

The next four days were hectic. Nick and Valerie had so much on their plate . The wedding was finally planned and the dress and suit were all picked. They decided to do it in Nick's backyard. They didn't want a big wedding. They didn't care about anything but being officially married. That day, Sally was allowed to be out. She wore a beautiful aqua blue dress. Valerie was still getting ready, so Sally decided to go check on Nick.

"You look beautiful, mom." Nick said as he looked at his mother. Her skin was paler, but she was beautiful.

"And you look handsome. My boy, my little boy getting married." Tears filled her eyes.

"Please don't cry, mom. You're going to make me cry."

"Sorry." Sally laughed and wiped her tears before they came down. She began fixing his tie.

"Thanks for being here, mom."

"I made you a promise, and I always keep my promises."

"I love you so much." Nick hugged her tightly.

"I love you too, baby boy." She was so proud of her son. He was always following his heart and she was glad that she taught him that.

"See of Val will be leaving her room anytime soon." He laughed.

"See you out there." Sally walked out and walked into Valerie's room, which was Sally's room. "Wow." Valerie turned around.

"What do you think?"

"You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Where'd you find this dress?"

"It was my mom's." She stroked the fabric with her fingers, imagining her mother in it.

"It's beautiful." Sally reached out to hug her. "I know you miss her."

"So much."

"She's looking down at you so proud right now. I'm so proud of you." Sally missed Valerie's mother dearly. She was her best friend.

"Thanks for always being there for me." She was thankful that even though she lost her mom, she had another one.

"Thanks for being there for Nick. You saved him."

"He saved me."Valerie broke out of the hug. He did save her. If he wasn't in her life, she would've been lost. "Sally..."


"Will you walk me down the aisle?"

"Of course. And call me Mom." Sally was honored. She couldn't believe how much she meant to her. They both smiled and walked out. Before walking down the aisle, they heard their queue. The door opened and in they walked. Nick stared at Valerie, amazed. He never believed someone could be so beautiful. With Zack, his best man on one side, the pastor on the other, and seeing the love of his life walk down the aisle and with his mother, he felt magical. He knew this was meant to be. They were meant to be together. Valerie appeared right in front of him. She gave Sally her bouquet and faced Nick. The pastor said his words and then the most important ones came up.

"Do you, Nick Conan, take Valerie Martinez to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He was surprised that he was able to say something with all the excitement.

"Do you, Valerie Martinez, take Nick Conan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." A tear rolled down her cheek. This moment meant everything to her.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Nick reached in for the big kiss. When they pulled back, Nick whispered,

"We're finally married."

"Yes we are." They smiled and kissed again. After the crazy time they've had together, they made it to this point. They're finally married. They forgot about everything bad in their life for one second and took this moment in. They were happy. They knew that they rushed getting married, but they couldn't wait. They wanted their mother to be there. Valerie also secretly wanted it more because she was scared that she was going to lose Nick. She couldn't just rely on his words that he was going to be okay. She wanted to be married to him and be happy. She didn't care that they rushed it. Nick didn't care either. He wanted Valerie to be his, officially. He knows how he feels about her and age doesn't matter. Love always beats time and age.


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