Chapter 30

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The Funeral

Valerie pushed herself throughout the whole day. All week, she wanted to just crawl into her blanket, but she had her kids to take care of; who still didn't know what was going on. She decided to hire a babysitter for the funeral so they can stay in the back. She didn't want the kids to cry, it was just going to make her cry even harder. All week, her eyes had been red and puffy. She didn't prepare a speech, she knew that if she did then it will be confirmed that he was really gone. She caught Zack crying a couple of times, sometimes when he saw her looking at him; he would act as if he never cried.
Everyone came into the graveyard and took their seats. The casket was next to the open ground with the American flag all over it. Valerie just stood next to the casket, staring at it. No tears came down her face, she was just staring at it; still unsettled about all that has happened. People came up to her and apologized for her loss, she just gave a half smile. Nick would've known that it was one of her fake smiles. She missed him so much. Everyone was finally all seated and Zack came up to her. He helped her take her seat. Everything started and Valerie kept staring at the casket. The pastor called Valerie over to say a few words. With all her power, Valerie got up and walked to the stand. She looked at everyone and she saw pity in all their eyes.

"I've known Nick all my life.." She started. "We grew up together; we were always there for each other when no one else was. He was the only person who really understood me; my best friend. And I fell in love with him, the most amazing person ever. Being with him was always an honor. Not only was he everyone's hero, but he was mine. He was a generous, loving, caring, and kind man. He will forever be in my heart. One day Emma and Anthony will understand why their father did what he did. I hope one day Anthony will grow up and be the man Nick was. Nick was truly extraordinary. He always put everyone before himself. He always needed to make sure that everyone else was happy before he was. He will forever be in my heart. I will never forget him." Tears started coming down her eyes, but she still continued. "I know that he is watching over us. Watching his children and his family. No one can ever replace him. He once told me that he wanted to the best father in the world, and he truly was and will always be. I know he is sitting up there with both our moms, smiling down at us. I will always love you, Nick." Valerie walked back to her seat. The pastor talked and then the casket was put into the ground. Valerie walked up to it with Zack. They both took a handful of dirt in their hands. Valerie looked at the casket and threw the dirt. Zack did the same. "Forever and always." She whispered.

"Come on." Zack said. They walked to the kids. From there, they watched people cover the casket with dirt. After they finished, people started leaving. Valerie, Zack and the kids were the last to leave, with the babysitter.

"You can go." Valerie told the babysitter.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." Valerie gave a half smile and the babysitter left. Then, they went home. When they got home, Valerie put the kids to sleep and then went to her bedroom and sat on the bed. Zack then came in and sat next to her.

"I can't believe he's really gone." Valerie whispered. Zack held her as she began to cry, tears started coming down his eyes and for the first time he didn't hold himself back. They sat there together rocking back and forth, crying.

6 years later

Valerie hummed as she finished making breakfast for her kids.

"Hey Val, can you help me with my tie?" Zack asked..

"22 years old and you still don't know how to fix a tie?" Valerie smiled and walked over to him. "You excited for your first day at work?"

"Very." He smiled.

"Your lunch is on the table, don't forget it."

"I won't." He kissed her on the cheek and then kissed Emma and Anthony on the cheek. "Bye guys. Have a good day at school."

"Bye Uncle Zack!" The kids yelled as Zack walked out the door.

"Well my honeys, time to eat breakfast." Valerie said. After they ate, she put on their shoes and then stopped when Emma asked a question.

"Mommy? Why isn't daddy home yet?"

"Daddy's fighting in a certain place right now." Valerie looked at them both, her eyes becoming watery, but she held it in.

"Where's that?" Anthony asked.

"Heaven. He fights there every day and watches over us every day, too."

"Why does he watch over us?" Emma asked.

"To make sure we're okay."

"Will he ever come back?" Anthony asked.

"One day you guys will go to him. Now it's time to go to school." Valerie took their hands and then sat them in the car. She started driving to their school, thinking about Nick. She thought about him every day. They finally got to the school and Valerie took them in. They walked into their kindergarten room and she kissed them goodbye. Her kids ran to their friends and she watched them be happy. She walked out of the classroom smiling.

"Alright class, today is a very special day." Emma and Anthony's teacher said. "Today we are going to talk about our parents." After a couple of kids went, Emma and Anthony stood up. "Emma, Anthony, would you guys like to split up talking about your parents? Emma, you can talk about your dad, and Anthony, you can talk about your mom."

"Okay." They both said. Anthony went first.

"My mommy is the best person in the world. She loves us and kisses us every day. She gives me the best hugs ever. She gets sad sometimes, but we like to make her smile. I like seeing mommy smile; she is very pretty when she smiles." He smiled.

"Very good, Anthony. Your turn, Emma."

"I don't know my daddy. Mommy says he's fighting in heaven. He left for the army when we were babies. Mommy talks about him every day. She told us that he is a great daddy. I believe her." Anthony and Emma were holding hands. "I miss daddy, but mommy says we will see him one day."

As Valerie walked to her car, she thought of Nick. He will always have her heart, no matter what. She didn't pay attention to where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said, collecting herself.

"No, it's my fault. I'm late and I wasn't looking to where I was walking." He spoke. She looked up at his smile and smiled back. "Hi, I'm Liam." Valerie looked up and smiled. She knew Nick was doing this. This was his way of telling her that it was her turn to be happy. She looked back at Liam.

"I'm Valerie." She smiled.

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