6. Intruder

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-Neville's POV-

I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night to Ron screaming. I swear I saw someone running out of the dorm from the direction of Ron's bed. Soon after Seamus went to get help, we were all brought down to the common room. I could feel Naomi looking at me but I chose to ignore it. She was trying to get my attention. She kept whispering my name. Eventually she got fed up and went up to me.

"why are you ignoring me!?"

"I'm not!"

"I said your name like 6 times."

Just then, our head of house came in. Professor McGonagall. She asked one of the portraits if a man came in after asking Ron what had happened. Apparently Ron woke up and saw Sirius Black above him with a knife. At those words Naomi held my hand and gulped. Oh Merlin..... I've just remembered. I left the password to Gryffindor tower on a piece of paper and lost it. What if Sirius Black found that piece of paper and used it to get into the tower to kill Ron. His death would have been on my hands! No, I'm overthinking.

"who would be stupid enough to put the password on a piece of paper and then loose it!?"

Professor McGonagall then quickly looked at me in realisation and sighed before placing a hand on my shoulder. We were then told to go upstairs and get a blanket to go to the great hall. When we were walking to the Great Hall, Naomi caught up with me.

"so are we going to talk about the kiss or not?"


"did it mean something?"

"I don't know."

"Neville can you look at me when we are talking, please"

"I was the one who wrote the password down, okay!?"

"Neville, I don't care who let Sirius Black into the tower. We kissed and I want to know if it meant anything to you!"

I then notice that she sounds like she's crying so I look at her and my heart drops when I see tears streaming down her face.

"Naomi..... Please don't cry. I enjoyed it, okay? Did you?"

She nods and then hugs me but I feel her flinch back slightly.

"Are you okay, Naomi?"

"You're so....."


"so skinny......"

At those two words I feel my stomach sink to my feet. She just hugs me and stays silent for a second. When we get to the Great Hall we set up our blankets and sleeping bags. I'm quite surprised to see Naomi set hers up close to mine.



"When was the last time you ate a meal?"

I tried to think of the last time I properly ate. Last weak? No. Last month? I can't remember.

"I can't remember......"

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