Chapter 14 ~ Transition

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Draco’s POV

               I rolled my new wand, courtesy of Ollivander, between my fingers slowly. Remus was coming soon, but I needed to do something before he arrived. I realized with all the things that had been going on I had completely forgotten about the things Aiston was supposed to get me. There was no telling what he had done with the information since I never came back to claim it, but I needed to go check.

               Hermione sat down at my side and ran her fingers through my long hair. “I kind of like this new look,” she said with a smile.

               I took her hand and kissed it lightly. “Do you remember when I went to that shop in Knockturn Alley to get us what we needed to go to America?”

               “Oh, I’d forgotten all about that,” she admitted. “Did you ever get it?”

               “No, and that’s what I’m worried about. I can’t risk letting Aiston leave that laying around somewhere. I need to go see if he still has it.”

               “You shouldn’t go alone,” she said instantly.

               I shook my head. “If you or anyone else goes with me, it will look suspicious. Aiston isn’t a threat, and I’m one of the only people who go to his store. I’ll be fine.”

               She sighed in defeat and kissed me quickly. “Be careful and hurry back. Remus should be here in an hour.”


               The wind whipped at my cloak as I walked down Knockturn Alley, and I had to keep a tight grip on my hood to keep it from exposing my face. I kept my other hand on my wand, but the alley seemed to be deserted at the moment. Aiston’s shop was empty, as usual, when I walked in.

               I pushed back my hood and walked up the counter, ringing the bell impatiently.

               Aiston burst through the door behind the counter and grinned at me with those crooked teeth. “Mr. Malfoy, what a surprise! I didn’t know if you would ever return.”

               “I was delayed,” I said evenly. “Do you have what I asked for?”

               “Ah, well, not exactly,” he said, wringing his hands nervously. “I had problems getting the new identifications with what little electronics we have here, and what with the amount of customers I receive-“

               “Do you have it or not?” I demanded.

               “Well, as I explained to your parents, I had some of what you asked for, but I regrettably misplaced it.”

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