5....Different worlds

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Nessi went more into depth about the terms and condition of a werewolf life when it finally dawned on me that she and I left out something really important, well me more than her.

"WAIT??!! Nessi are you a werewolf or did I totally missed that this whole explanation?"

"Huh, guess I never did clarify that did I?"

"Oh my god-GODdess? Goddess or God. Does that work both ways or do I stick to kind? Omg wait can I become a werewolf? Wait you're the werewolf can you shift into a werewolf?? A SHEWOLF!!!!!!!"

"EVA calm the fuck down chile I'm not turning into a werewolf nor will I answer your other humanly concerned questions." She was laughing at me but I was serious, could I really turn into a werewolf!? More importantly...

"But wait, you can turn into a werewolf? You are one?"

"Yes Eva!!!" She was serious. Staring at her now, I noticed the little things about her. Her perfect bouncy hair and unquestionably baby blue eyes. "You know, if I were gay, not that it matters.." only joking around smirking at her.

"Stop right there young lady" Nessi stopped me "This horse" "wolf" I scoffed and laughed correcting her "yes, wolf, is taken. NO I haven't mated yet but I might have found the right person" she was talking low but I caught on to her but which was all I need.

"But there's someone you already like and can't be with" I wasn't sure what exactly she had said in the end but it must've been close enough cause she looked back at me shook. "Yeah not right now at least, I think, I guess"

"Well whatever it is we'll work on together but after you finish explaining to me this werewolf business. "UGH Eva, it's really not that big of a deal. Actually no I'm lying."


"okay okay but seriously it's a system to this kind of life. Your born under a certain rank, live out your life depending on that rank, then depending on your mate your offspring is either of that rank, a high rank or lower. More likely lower. The three common ones are Alpha, Beta and Omega. The omegas are the lower ranks but they have their benefits. Then you have a betas who's strength compatibility are par with higher ranks but never greater. They're the ones who go into battles or become alphas second in command."

"What are you then?"


"Who are you second in command to or a fighter?"

"Ehhhh a little bit of both. I never had the luxury of going into battle yet but either soon enough I will after yo..."

"Me?" But Nessi stayed quiet after. Nessi knew more so why wasn't she continuing? I knew enough now at least. "Me what?"

"After you become Luna?"

I totally forgot about that. Despite everything else, I totally forgot I was in a major complicated relationship with an ALPHA. I think I need a drink.

"Sooooo how does that work again?" sheepishly asking like it wasn't explained earlier today to me "You, Eva. Mates with Ethan, the alpha. BOOM! mates for life, plenty of cubs..."


"Yes cubs as in kids and ruler of the pack."

"Is there anything else I should know before my head explodes?" Nessi actually had the audacity to take a minute and think. "Hmm, probably just other packs starting useless wars or bullies who just likes to show off their strength on people."

"...on people?"

"On people."

Nessi left shortly afterwards when her mother summoned her presences home and only now did a even more important question has been on my mind for the rest of the night, who's Nessi's mate?

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