2....Neesi and New Friends

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Ethan toke a step towards me filling my breathing space with his intoxicating cinnamon and pine scent, but I toke one step back. I looked at the time on my watch and realized I was probably going to be late if I didn't at least make a run for it now.

"eer..Ethan I-I g-gotta get to class n-now" Ethan looked at the time on the wall to his side across the hall.

"Yea... You're right. I'll see you around then." But before I could have responded, he walked off the opposite direction.

I made it to my first period class just on time before the late bell rang. Luckily this class was on the first floor.

The class was mostly filled and all the attention was on me. But paying them no mind, I walked to the teacher letting them know I'm the new student.

"Good morning" greeting in a whisper not wanting to bed so loud.

"Ah, good morning ms. Stone, welcome to my class. I'm ms. Reign. Please take a seat anywhere."

Giving ms. Reign a small smile, I turned around and proceeded to take a seat next to the big window at the farthest side of the class.

15 minutes into the lesson, I barley notice when someone sat down next to me.

"Hi!" Looking up, it was a girl. And she could've been described as a sight for sore eyes. She was beautiful.

"My name's Jones. Nessi Jones"

"Hey, I'm Eva" I laughed a little to myself since I liked that she kinda actually greeted herself like an agent would.

Honestly, I would've been shy to even be looking at her already envying hey bright baby blue eyes and wavy chestnut brown hair, but she just gave me this warm feeling like we were gonna be the best of friends in the world.

And I loved that feeling.

"So you're new I see. Did you move into town recently or....?"

"Ah yeah, just me and my parents"

"Cool. Hey can I see your schedule for a minute?"

I nodded handing over my schedule to her. By the way she compared both of ours, she obviously wanted to see if we had the same classes. And with the big smile on her face tells me we did.

"Great!" She said almost to loud, causing ms. Reign to shush her.

"Lunch is 7th period. Wanna join me?" "yeah"

Class ended not to long afterwards, so me and Nessi made our way out and made conversation to our next class.

The day went by fast and lucky for me, my art teacher was absent. Actually she would be out for a couple of months due to pregnancy and since there wasn't anything really to do, Neesi listened to music while I drew her without her knowing. It's was a pretty quick sketch, so after I finished I showed it to her and i giggled when it almost looked like she received the greatest reward in the world.

"Thanks Eva"

The bell didn't ring to long after that, which meant, lunch time.

Walking into the launch room, that same wonderful smell hit me again from like earlier when I met Eth-

"Hi" someone said from behind.

gasp..."Hi, uh Ethan... What are you doing here?"

"Here to see you of course" giving of such a sly smirk.

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