Estella POV: (1 month later)
"Stella" I heard a whisper from beside me. "STELLA WAKE UP!" The person yelled.I quickly got up terrified. I looked over and saw Soren laughing his ass off. I was annoyed and threw a pillow at him. "Soren you scared the crap out of me!"
In between laughs he gasped "Sorry."
I'll get him back for that. I looked at my clock.
Right I have school today. My brothers decided it would be a good idea to send me back to school after my therapist said it's okay and she cleared me last week.
Honestly not looking forward to it. Schools the worst. Especially when you're the new kid joining halfway through the second semester. I walked to my closet and put on my new uniform.
Apparently my brothers go to a fancy private school with uniforms and stuff. Once I was dressed I walked downstairs and saw Soren and Sam. They're kinda the only people I've seen lately.
Honestly I think the last time I saw Xavier was a week ago, he's just been in his office. And Greyson is always out, I don't know where.
Sams been quiet lately. He's hiding something, Soren's noticed it too but every time he talks to him about it he just said he stressed about school.
We ate our breakfast then drove to school. When we arrived I noticed how huge this place is. Much different from my last school. There were two football fields, a soccer, baseball, and rugby field, tennis courts, a two story gym for basketball as well as three other gyms for other sports. Not to mention it had a house stable.
I am so gonna get lost.
We got out of the car and people were looking at my brothers in awe. Out of no where a girl came squealing and running towards us then jumped on Soren, then kissed.
"I missed you so much!" Soren said spinning her around like a rag doll. "How was Paris?"
"Amazing!! It was—" the girl said excitingly but stopped when she noticed me. "OH MY GOSH YOU MUST BE STELLA!" She ran over and hugged me and I just stood there confused.
"Aria! Aria! Don't squeeze her to death." Soren laughed.
"Sorry." She said and backed up a bit out of my personal space. "I just—I've heard a lot about you. I'm Aria."
Ohhh right Soren's girlfriend.
"Aria we need to take Stel to get her schedule, I'll see you later okay babe?" He said kissing Aria one last time before directing me to the office.
"So uh Aria seems nice."
Soren laughed. "I'm glad you think so, I know she can be a bit—overexcitable, but she's the best."
I smiled at Soren, I'm glad he's happy.
When we entered the office the lady handed me a class schedule, all your basic classes except I was in a honors art class.
How did they know I liked art.
"Ok so your first class is English, it's down the hall to the right, you can't miss it. I'd walk you there myself but Soren and I have to get to Calc." Sam said.
"Good luck." I smiled and walked towards the class.
I made it too the English door and walked in, the class was smaller than I was used to but still a decent size. I took a seat in the second row next to the window, I wanted to be close to the bored because in all honesty I need glasses but I don't want to bother my brothers about it, and also it was the only seat without someone sitting next to it. Right as the bell sounded a girl with black hair walked in. "Yes made it!" She mumbled.
"Mrs. Lee, do I need to remind you that the bell means you are in your seat." The teacher said.
"No ma'am sorry." She came and took the seat next to me.
Of course. It has to be me.
No offense to her it's just I'm not very good about meeting new people.
While the teacher was taking attendance the girl turned to me. "Hi I'm Bibian, you must be new."
"Stella." I introduced myself. "And ya it's my first day. I just moved here."
"Okay class we will be doing a project analyzing a work of poetry, your partner is the person to your right." The teacher announced. Two boys in the front started to high five. "That's your left Mr. Cannon." I chuckled. "You can have the last five minutes of class discussing with your partner."
I turned to Bibian. "So, I'm assuming you haven't read the poetry book yet?" I nodded shamefully. "That's okay, I know it by heart I already know which poem I want to do—if it's okay with you."
"That's fine."
"What's your next class?"
I looked at my schedule. "Chemistry with Conor."
"Oh cool! I have that too, I can walk you!"
I smiled. "Thanks this campus is so big I'd probably get lost."
"Don't sweat it I got lost my first day too."
After class was lunch, I followed Bibian to the dinning hall, it smelt so good. "Yes! It's spaghetti day!" Bibian exclaimed. "The spaghetti here literally the best."
After grabbing our food we went and sat down at a table with some familiar faces.
"Bibian you made a friend!" Aria spoke.
"No shit Ari." Bibian said sarcastically.
"You know each other?" I asked.
Soren was also at the table, along with Sam and some other people.
"She's my sister." Aria spoke.
"Ah," I started to take a bite of my spaghetti.
"Greyson's gonna drive you home today." Soren told me.
"And how do you know each other?" Bibian asked.
"Shes my sister." Soren replied in a funny copy cat tone that Aria just said.
A few minutes later Sam got a text. "I got to go." He said picking up and leaving.
"Wonder what that was about." Soren said, but went back to his food.
Sam POV:
I was walking through the halls, looking for the boys bathroom. When I reached it I smiled. "Hey baby." I said smirking."Took you long enough." Dylan replied.
"Shut up." I said pushing him into the big stall.
Once I locked the door we started making out.
Dylan is my big secret, no one in the whole world except Dylan knows I'm gay. Not even Soren. I just can't tell them. Not yet. I'm so scared. I just got my sister back, what if she finds out and hates me. What if any of my brothers hate me, I already lost my parents, I can't loose my siblings too. They're all I have left.
We were making out for a long time, until the bell rung. "Got to go babe." I said giving him one last kiss before walking out.

la famiglia è per sempre
General FictionAt birth she had the most powerful and dangerous man wrapped around her finger, and a army waiting if she ever needed it. Sent away at three years old for her own protection, she's back with her older brothers whom she forgot existed. Willing to ris...