Greyson POV: (3 months later)
I stood in front of coughing. This was one of my worse coughs, this time blood came out. I started noticing my hair was coming out. I guess the chemo is finally starting to kick in.I've been dealing with leukemia by myself for the past six months. My family already has so much going on I don't want them to carry the burden with me. I don't want them to worry.
Plus, it would crush them knowing they can't help. When I went to my treatment center they checked records and neither Soren, Sam, or Xavier have a match to my bone morrow.
So we're trying chemo. They're not sure it will work tho, but you got to hope am I right. When I woke up more hair came out. It's getting too noticeable.
I always liked my hair, I thought it was one of my better features, but I can't have them know.
I grabbed the razor out of my drawer and I started shaving. Tears in my eyes, I watched as my hair falls onto the counter. Once I was done I just look at myself. "Fuck." I took a breath and went to my closet and grabbed a beanie.
This should cover it.
I walked out the door and into the hallway, Xavier was currently with his addict doctor. Naturally I hired the best. I tried to be secretive but Stella caught me leaving.
"Where you going?" She asked.
I smiled and got ready to lie to my baby sisters face. "I'm just going out, my friends and I are going to hang."
"Wait—did u cut your hair? Usually it peaks through the beanie."
"Oh ya, I decided it was time for a change."
"Cool can I see?"
"I don't think you'll like it." She started me down with her baby eyes. "Fine."
She gasped when I took the beanie off. "You're bald."
"Yes I am."
"That's-uh great. Nice cut." She said lying through her teeth.
"Ya now I got to go."
I got in the car and drove to my treatment center. I got all the "I'm so proud of you," "you're doing great" talks from the nurses when they saw me bald.
"Okay doc tell me some food news." I said sarcastically.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Morrieti, but the chemo doesn't appear to be working. Your best bet is a bone marrow transplant." Of course, as always I'm fucked. "We imputed your DNA in the database, so if any matches come up, you'll be the first to know."
"Thank you."
Estella POV:
After that weird conversation with Greyson I decided to go play video games with Sam in his room, since Soren had Aria over.I knocked on Sam's door but I didn't hear anything, his music was turned up way too loud anyway. So me being the intrusive little sister I am I walked in.
I opened the door and what I saw made me run out. I locked myself in my room.
I just saw my brother have sex.
Please I'll do anything just get that image out of my head.
A second later I heard banging on the door. "Stella it's Sam please let me in! I need to explain myself!" I just stood puking in my sink ab seeing my older brother do the deed. "Please Stella let me in!"
After I vomited the image out of my head I opened the door, which cause Sam to fall since he was leaning on the door.
"Come in." I said, closing the door behind me.
"It's not what it looks like!" Sam yelled.
"Really because I think I just walked in on my older brother having sex."
"Well okay yes it is what it looks like but YOU CANT TELL ANYONE!"
"Believe me I had no intention of telling anyone about the sexual habits of my brother." I announced. "Also tell him sorry that I walked in on you guys."
"I will-wait what?"
"You aren't freaking out, your not mad?"
"About you having sex? I mean it's still something I could have gone without seeing but—"
"No I mean about him" I looked at him puzzled. "You know, being a boy?" I looked at him then slapped him across the face. "Ow what was that for!"
"That was for thinking im homophobic." His eyes looked puzzled. "You honestly thought I was gonna be upset about this? Why? It's not 1910 anymore, I couldn't honestly care less weather you like boys or girls."
"No shit dude, and I'm also sorry that I found out this way rather than you telling me when you're comfortable."
He just started at me then hugged me. "I love you so much! Thank you for accepting me!"
"I would always accept you, and I love you too."
He went and sat on my bed. "Does anyone else know?"
"Not even Soren."
"I know you should take your time, but you should tell the rest, I know your scared but I promise they'll be fine with it, because it doesn't change anything you're still our brother."
"Thanks Stel. I'm just not ready yet."
"That's perfectly fine, but I'm definitely going to be shipping you too together now." Sam chuckled.

la famiglia è per sempre
Ficción GeneralAt birth she had the most powerful and dangerous man wrapped around her finger, and a army waiting if she ever needed it. Sent away at three years old for her own protection, she's back with her older brothers whom she forgot existed. Willing to ris...