Xavier POV:
"Xavier, you have to stop this." My second in command and best friend Sky told me."I can stop if I want." I chuckled. God I was so high.
For the past month, I've been doing lines. After the first time, after I found Stellas bruises, I haven't stopped. My life is so stressful, I have to make sure my family isn't killed, I have to make sure my shipments arrive on time, I have to stop mafia wars. Coke is the only thing that lets me destress.
"Come on Xav! You can't keep doing this to yourself! Do you remember what happened last time!" Sky yelled.
*10 years ago*
"Come on! Let's do another!" I yelled to my friends while we were at a party. This was our senior year party and I was ready to live it up. I'd been doing lines since sophomore year to forget the pain of loosing my sister.All my friends and I were doing lines when I started to feel really dizzy, black dots started clouding my vision until I blacked out.
I awoke to bright lights, I heard beeping.
"Am i in the hospital?" I thought to myself.
"Oh my god he's awake!" Soren yelled.
"W-whats happened?" My voice was raspy. Dominic, my fathers right hand man was at my side. He was like a uncle to me. "Where's mom and dad?"
Everyone looked at me sadly. "You were in a coma Xavier. It's been almost a month. They said you overdosed."
Shit. Moms gonna kill me.
"Where's mom and dad?" I asked.
Dominic and my brothers faces saddened. "Xavier, uh, your parents were in a accident on the way to the hospital."
"What? Are they okay? Where are they?"
"Son," Dominic started. "They um didn't make it."
"W-w-what?" Tears formed my face. No no that can't be true.
But it had been. My parents died because of me.
I almost immediately sobered up for a second. "Yes I remember."
"Then why the hell are you doing this to yourself, your family!"
"I'm not going to overdose! I just need release. I need to forget! Do you have any idea what it feels like to know your sister was beaten everyday of her life and you couldn't stop it!" I yelled. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE THE REASON YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD!"
Shit. I shouldn't have said that.
"Xavier you know damn well I do." Sky glared.
Sky's father was Dominic. He died taking a bullet for Sky on Sky's first mission.
"I'm sorry I didn't—"
"Xavier I don't want to hear it." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You can't keep doing this. I won't allow it."
And with that Sky grabbed the bag. I was about to fight him but he pulled out his gun.
"You won't kill me."
He sighed. "Your right I won't. But I might still shoot you in the leg if you try and take it back." I growled. "Xavier did you even think about the consequences of this! THIS IS THE REASON YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD! WHAT IF THE NEXT ONE TO DIE IS YOUR BROTHERS HUH OR HELL EVEN STELLA!"

la famiglia è per sempre
General FictionAt birth she had the most powerful and dangerous man wrapped around her finger, and a army waiting if she ever needed it. Sent away at three years old for her own protection, she's back with her older brothers whom she forgot existed. Willing to ris...