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"Born in a ditch but rise up a dragon, that's the way I live." ~ Daechwita [Agust D]

"Finally," Jimin groans, looking at the pair with annoyance written all over his face. "You guys were taking forever. I thought I was going to have to step in and do something."

Rosie blushes and smiles sheepishly as she cuddles into Jungkook's shoulder, humming softly when his tattooed fingers run through her hair.

It didn't take long for the boys to figure out that they were together. Namjoon was the only one who was still a bit hesitant. He really liked Rosie, don't get him wrong, but he just didn't want to see Jungkook heartbroken again.

"Why is everyone so talkative today?" Yoongi frowns, looking around suspiciously.

"I don't know," Jin shrugs, plopping a chip into his mouth. "Don't care either."

"I think there's a new student," Hobi said, tilting his head as if remembering something. "I think there was talk about that in my gym class."

"A new person?" Jungkook asks, panic flaring in his chest.

Jungkook wasn't stupid; he knew there was a big possibility that the new student could be her. The boys had already agreed to double up in their protection for Rosie if she appeared, but Jungkook was really hoping they wouldn't need to.

Except, things didn't seem to be on their side.

"Hey, guys!" Amber beams, skipping over to their table with someone by her side. "I'd like you guys to meet my new friend."

"Hello," the girl's lips snarled up into a smile. "I'm Skyler."

Rosie inhaled sharply and gripped Jungkook's thigh in panic. That was the same voice that she heard in the mall. The same one that Jungkook told her would hurt them. The same one who belonged to the girl who was Jungkook's crazy ex.

Jungkook had told Rosie all about Skyler. About how she had continuously downgraded and humiliated Jimin, manipulated Jungkook, took him away from his friends, stole from him, and so much more. Rosie had no ounce of respect for the girl staring at her with a cynical smirk.

Jungkook was staring up at Skyler and it was like he was frozen. He hadn't seen her in a whole year, and she had definitely changed. Her once long hair was now cut to her shoulders, her face looked different, and she looked even bitchier than he remembered.

Skyler starts to laugh when the boys stand up protectively, cocking her head with an innocent, sweet smile.

"What the hell 's a matter with you guys?" Amber snaps.

"Amber, shut the fuck up," Jungkook says, voice gravelly and cold.

"Hm," Skyler grins, eyeing the boys one by one. "It was nice meeting you all, but I want to go have lunch with my new friend."

"Oh, we can eat here," Amber smiles. "They don't mind."

"We do mind and you'll be sitting somewhere else," Jimin spits.

"It's okay, Amber," Skyler says, smiling sweetly at Jimin. "I wouldn't want to annoy them or anything."

The boys watch tensely as the girls walk to another table, only sitting when Jungkook ordered them to. The ravenette pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation and ran a comforting hand down Rosie's back, as she was clutching onto him for dear life.

"Okay, we'll take rotations escorting Rosie to class," Jungkook sighs. "Rosie, you don't leave your classroom unless one of us is with you."

"But-" Rosie starts, her voice falling as Jungkook shoots her a look.

"I want to figure out where she's staying," Jungkook states. "She'll be expecting us to blow up and create a scene at school, which means she'll win. We have to take her by surprise."

"Yoongi and I can go to the warehouse after school," Hobi offers, the ravenette nodding in approval.

"Is she going to hurt us?" Rosie asks quietly.

"No," Jungkook answers, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "She's not going to get the upper hand this time."


"Remember, no-"

"Leaving unless one of you come here and text first to use the restroom so that you can meet me in the hall, I know," Rosie sighs, her other protectors already giving her the same spiel.

"Okay, in you go," Jimin smiles, the pair exchanging goodbyes before she entered her next class.

She couldn't really focus though, because she kept thinking about Skyler. And how Amber was now friends with her too, which made everything even more complicated.

Rosie laid her chin on her hand and huffed. The next chapter of her life was already starting off with a stressful bang.

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