Why am I here

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  I was sitting at my porch wallowing away at my sadness I do this some times to reflect on my choices of being here or to look at my friends Instagram to see how pretty they are wishing that I was in there place.My earphones  were in my ear when I heard my comfort song "Magic city"it just sounds so good when your laying down on a field or maybe even just sitting like how I am. I always wondered if I was asexual or aromatic since how I don't like relationships. Everyone thinks I'm gay I hate that..they know more then I want them to I always just laugh it off but after awhile you start realizing why.
  I heard someone shout my name from far away
"JIMIN!!" I look around to see Namjoon is cargo pants I always wondered why he wore them I never asked."Namjoon what are you doing here I thought you would be at Alex's house"Alex was an old time girlfriend he has.
  "No her dad was here she kicked me out her dad was talking about going fishing with me and she knows I hate fishing so she saved me".He really does hate fishing one time when we were in middle school we went out fishing with my family and his and I caught something and my dad said to put it in the bucket. At the time I didn't know about Namjoons passion in keeping fish alive so I did but before I did he slapped me and starting crying. I laughed at the memory and replied with a simple "yeah". I wanted to go inside so I letter Namjoon with a goodbye.
  I was waking inside when I heard my mom cooking in the crockpot.I cringed thinking about stew I was hoping it was roast it's better then stew.
  "Honey can you get the phone"her phone started ringing I grabbed it and saw the name JUNGKOOK<3"mom who's jungkook"I replied clicking the answer button.
"Oh he is my friends son that's coming over in a week to look at colleges in the area"she said as she left talking to this jungkook kid. I'm now envious of this kid for trying to pick out a college this early. It's in the middle of my senior year so I haven't chose my collage yet.
  I was laying in my bed when I realized I was tired and I didn't want to sleep with my sweater vest on due to me not wanted wrinkles on the vest. I then look of the vest and polo in exchange for a hunterXhunter hoodie I had stored for my sleep wear for tonight. I decided to go threw some tik toks till my melatonin kicks in. I scrolled and scrolled till I found a thirst trap by a man of the name of "kooks_bunny"I was concerned because who in there right mind would do a thirst trap with Kanye's song playing it's a war crime to Kanye. I saw transitions from the man I got to admit his smile was cute and so were his eyes this man is fine. I started of thinking of funny situations because this mans user sounds like that jungkook kids name it would be funny if he was him I started laughing never gonna happen.I fell alseep at that thought.

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