Part 7

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He could have sworn he could feel the blood instantly drain from his face before rushing through his arms and down to his legs as soon as the sound of his mobile phone erupted within the silent bedroom. The embrace amongst two old lovers came to an instant halt as he tried desperately to reach into his back pocket to silence the device. The dread upon his face as he stared into the screen told Stevie everything she needed to know, taking the chance to escape from underneath him as he rolled over onto his side on her bed. The last thing she wanted to do was to listen to him as he mustered up some excuse as to why he wasn't yet home from the studio. This was why she should never have told him the truth, he would forever be pulled in opposite directions, a constant battle to keep the peace despite the continuous storm blowing around him, his love life becoming a shambles the longer he stayed here. He had to go, for he had far too much to lose. 

Stevie walked out of the room, she needed a moment to herself, to contemplate everything that had happened today. If she stared into his blue eyes, it wouldn't matter what had happened, he was too mystifying, too toxic for her to even think straight. Walking into her kitchen she went straight for the nearest bottle of wine, she grabbed a glass before placing both items down on the island in the middle of the room. She pulled out a chair, perching upon it before she slid her elbows onto the marble worktop, her fingers spread out for support, hiding her face within her palms. 

Even the thought of his words, the statement about her being the one he wanted to have his life with, after all those years, it all seemed so surreal. Lindsey had always been such a closed book on such subjects, she knew he had his regrets, as did she but they always seemed forbidden. She just didn't think he would still be mourning over the loss of the old hopes and dreams they had as young lovers. A deep yearning of loss ached through her body now that she knew he felt the same way about her. Had she just kept her own admission to herself at Musicares, they wouldn't be in this situation. She would still be dying inside, wishing he knew her true feelings but she just had to completely open that can of worms. The whole situation had gone too far, the admission at such an inconvenient time and place, the fact she then had the gall to have him removed from the band, his horrific health scare and now his own admissions out there in the open. She shook her head before reaching for the bottle of wine, pouring a generous amount into her glass. 

Her moment of solitude didn't last nearly as long as she had hoped now that she could hear him walking down the stairs. What she didn't see was how his face screwed up with each step, a searing pain shooting through his head. He should be concerned about the ongoing headache, yet his priorities lay elsewhere. He walked into the kitchen, his eyes settling on the sight of the blonde, knocking her head backwards as she completely destroyed what once was a glass of red wine. He walked towards the island, standing next to her with his palms resting on the marble surface, his head hung in defeat while his eyes closed for a moment of peace. He listened to the sound of wine being poured into her glass once more, the slam of the half empty wine bottle on the marble surface startling him slightly. 

Stevie sighed, gently sliding her glass towards one of his hands spread upon the worktop. He felt the coolness of something against his thumb, opening one eye to see the offering. He smiled weakly, cocking his head to stare at her. 

"I can't. I-...I'm on some strong medication for my heart, half a glass of that and I won't be able to stand." 

Stevie nodded slightly, pulling the glass back towards her. He studied her face, watching as she slid the glass between her lips to take a small sip. She wanted to smile, he could tell, there was some kind of glint in her eyes now that he was near her. Was she enjoying the fact that he couldn't hold a drink anymore? 

"I mean, if that's what you want, then...give me that, I'll do it." he spoke nonchalantly, his fingers wrapping around hers as he pretended to pull her glass towards his mouth. That was all it took, for she smiled, tugging the glass back. It was the first time all day that they had dropped their weapons, a moment of peace amongst them without even thinking that there had been anything wrong. 

"You need to go... don't you?" Stevie muttered, placing the glass back onto the worktop, her eyes burning into the surface as she waited for his response. 

Lindsey sighed, turning to lean his back against the edge of the worktop, his arms crossed over while he stared out behind her at the boarded up french door he had smashed earlier on. 

"I should go... for my own good and for yours." he licked his lips before continuing. 

"But- I've become so invested in the work i've been doing on my solo record at the studio today that I... uh, that I'm just going to bunker down there for the night. It would be reckless to drive home once I finish what I'm working on, most likely in the early hours of the morning..." 

Lindsey didn't dare make eye contact as he continued staring at the patio doors, he knew that his statement could go two ways and two ways only. One, she slaps him for assuming that she would even allow him to stay the night, for lying to his better half about his whereabouts, after everything that had happened today. Or two, she would give him that sultry look he was desperately in need of, a small laugh escaping her beautiful lips while she slid her hands around his waist, cornering him against the kitchen worktop without a care in the world. 

"We've been so brutally honest with each other today Linds..." Stevie whispered, that sultry voice music to his ears. 

A deep yearning burned in his jeans as he watched her in the corner of his eyes sliding from her stool. His breathing increased, his arms now being unfolded by her delicate fingers while her body invaded his personal space, really pressing him into the worktop. 

"We most certainly have..." he mustered his delayed response as he realised she was giving him exactly what he wanted. 

"Are you telling me that you want to drop everything...this is a dangerous game we're close to playing Linds..." she whispered, her hands now linking in-between his. 

"I want to show you how I'm feeling Steph and I want to feel exactly how you feel about me. We've done enough talking tonight. I shouldn't stay, I shouldn't want this but... I do. God I do..." he whispered, his voice husk as his fiery eyes finally glanced down, locking with hers. 

Stevie closed her eyes, her forehead pressing into his chest as she breathed in his scent deeply. She couldn't keep her cool, although there was so much they still had to speak about, to fix as best as they could, she also couldn't deny the way she was yearning for his body. Knowing that he wanted her brought out a side of her he hadn't seen for decades, the spark between them igniting the more he slowly bucked his hips against hers. He winced to himself silently in pain, squeezing her hands as they battled to stay cool. The fire between them was burning, the tension in the room almost unbearable the longer they stood admitting that they wanted to spend tonight together. 

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