Part 9

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His footsteps followed her, eyes transfixed on her Blonde locks, swaying from side to side as she moved. He hadn't even registered that he was walking through her bedroom, coming to a swift halt just in the doorway of her en-suite. She turned the lights on, dimming them down to a soft hue to stop the brightness from being so harsh on his eyes. She let go of his hand, walking further in to set the shower up for him. 

Lindsey leaned against the doorframe while Stevie did her thing, fumbling about with some fancy kind of touch screen panel on the wall. He smirked to himself, for she could use something as technical as that but if you ever tried to get in touch with her via a mobile phone, she would complain and tell you to try the house phone because she didn't do that kind of technology. In this moment, she could have fooled anyone. 

The sound of water echoed against the tiled room. Everything was tiled and it looked so rich and luxurious. The shower too, now that he had turned his attention to it, was even fancier than his own at home. It was one of those fancy walk in showers where you didn't have to battle with a glass door to get inside, only a panel of glass that reached from the floor to the ceiling to catch any spray from the huge shower head that towered over, water thundering down to the tiled floor below. The thought of a shower had always been on his mind, but now, he wasn't sure if she would ever get him out of it for it just screamed luxury. 

"There's a temperature gauge on the wall just as you step in, I'm not sure how warm you would lik-"

"Hot. I want to feel my skin sweating." 

"I can do that." Stevie replied, turning the dial until the room started to fill with a steamy mist, the glass mirror by the sink hiding the reflection of Lindsey as he unbuckled his black leather belt. 

Stevie turned to face him, his eyes stared back into hers just as he pulled his belt free from out of the loops of his Levi jeans. His eyes wandered around, rolling the belt up before he stepped towards a towel chest, resting it down onto the wooden surface. There was something about his demeanour that had changed, he seemed strong and he was acting as though all the pain he had felt no longer existed, maybe it was just the adrenaline, knowing she was watching every move he took as he underdressed. 

Stevie was in awe, watching as he rolled his shoulders back and forth to loosen up as the misty air sunk into his skin. His face pointed downwards, his back turning to her as he fidgeted with his t-shirt, slowly rising it from his stomach upwards. He didn't want her to see how bad his scar might be, for even he was wincing, unsure if he wanted to see it himself. 

"Fuck" he muttered, slowly shaking his head. Trying to pull the material away from his skin was sore, he closed his eyes and breathed calmly through gritted teeth. Stevie winced, feeling for him. 

"Please stop Linds, why don't we try wetting your t-shirt to try and unstick it first?" 

Lindsey opened his eyes and he nodded his head as he turned around, Stevie hastily walked towards the sink and pulled a face cloth out of the storage unit sitting underneath. Lindsey took the time to work on his jeans, pushing his hands into his pockets while his legs kicked down the denim until he was able to step out of them. He picked them up, throwing them onto the heated towel rail to dry before stepping closer to Stevie as she rung out the cloth. 

"Thank you" he whispered as she stood close to his front, trying desperately to pretend to herself that he wasn't just standing there in his t-shirt and tight black boxer shorts. She suddenly became grateful for the sound of the running water from the shower, her breathing had increased and she was sure she could hear her heart pounding within her chest. Lindsey leaned his head back, ready to embrace the discomfort. His eyes closed as he faced the ceiling, her hand rested on his left shoulder while she ever so gently dabbed the cloth onto his t-shirt. 

The pain never came, her touch was so soft and gentle and his body started to relax as she slowly worked on his chest. There was just something Lindsey loved about being a man who was being tended to and he was well aware of the sexual tension this scene was causing for them both. He wasn't sure how long it would take until one of them broke. Had she stood any closer, she'd feel exactly what had been going on within his jeans earlier on and so, he thought he would make her aware. He stepped closer into the space they were occupying, his hips meeting hers while her hands scrunched up against his chest due to the lack of space his movement had caused. 

"Linds, I-" Stevie smiled gently, desperately trying to keep her cool as she felt how hard he was against her thigh. 

"Come and show me how the shower works, this cloth just isn't going to cut it." his voice was low, husk and tentative as he stared into her eyes. He wanted this, he was going to do it, to scream her name in pleasure as they gave in to one another. The consequences of their actions could wait for another day. Tonight, there was nothing getting in his way and he would make sure of that. 

Stevie was screaming inside, she wanted his mouth close to her ear, to whisper all the thoughts and desires he had on his mind with that overly sexual I-want-you voice she hadn't heard for years. It haunted her, it took her back to how sexual they had been as a couple, the magic that ensued when their blood raced and their bodies mixed into a slick and sweaty mess. She couldn't quite believe that years down the line, he still had the means to make her feel that exact same way. He still had it and my god, did she want it. 

Lindsey took the cloth from her hand, tossing it into the sink while Stevie maintained eye contact. She walked backwards towards the shower and he followed her. She stood just outside of the shower, avoiding the spray as it bounced off the tiles while Lindsey stepped further into it. Water raced down his back as he walked into it backwards, his eyes still on hers while she placed her hand on the temperature dial, merely a prop within the ongoing battle she was having with his eyes. 

"I want this hotter." he muttered with water streaming down the front of his neck before soaking into the front of his t-shirt. He wouldn't completely stand underneath the shower head, for he wanted to keep his eyes on hers. Stevie turned the dial gently, admiring the shine of his collarbones as water sunk into his skin. 

Lindsey groaned, tilting his head backwards to let the water stream down his face, his hair completely soaked and sticking to his forehead. He couldn't believe how good this shower felt, the strong pressure from the water pelting into his skin, making his nerves tingle. His hands reached upwards, fingers running through his hair before he felt a pair of hands grasping onto his hip-bones. 

She couldn't bare it anymore, she knew his game and she wanted nothing more than to play along. She didn't even care that her clothes stuck heavily to her skin as she entered his space, sharing the water that came thundering down upon them. She had to touch him, her hands on his hips, causing a small smile to tug on his lips. 

"I think, your shirt is wet enough now to come off..." Stevie whispered innocently into his ear, her fingers playing with the hem of his heavy, wet t-shirt. 

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