Chapter 17 short

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Peeta pov

It has been 5 month since Katniss and I started dating 5 month since Winter came back

Lately I have been feeling weird my wings are turning black

I told my dad and he said he doesn't know why but even if they were to turn all black that I won't turn in a demon which I thank the angels for

"Peeta peeta "


"You zoned out"Finnick said

"Ohh I did I didn't........owwwwww"my head starts hurting like hell

Katniss runs to me saying words I can't understand

My wing start to go without control and turn black that's when I scream and something hard hit the back of my head and I feel into darkness


Hello Beautiful mockingjays

Its 10 at night and I'm tired

The wings are the ones Peeta grown and the song is one for those out their that don't feel beautiful I'm in love with this song

Vote and comment on what you think should happen next ✌✌

If song doesn't play it's call Beautiful by Bethany Dillion

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