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(A/N) Holy Moly!! I can't believe I am even doing this!!! I never even imagined me writing this, but I love to write and I love Harry and I love wattpad so do the math. The first few chapters might be a little rough since I literally have no idea what I am doing. Ignore my spelling mistakes I try my best to spell and use correct grammar so oopsies if I mess up lol! I Hope you all enjoy this story!!!!! 

The year is 1998, life is good, it's easy. 

I didn't understand love, I didn't understand hurt, hate, anger, vain, I was a child.


What I did know was the people that meant the most to me, my parents. I grew up an only child and I liked it that way. My mom was my best friend, my dad was as well. They taught me everything I know. 

I grew up in Cheshire England from 1994-2006 ages 0-12. 

My father had gotten a job in France and he took it, I was sad to leave my small family I had in Cheshire. But what hurt the most was leaving my best friend 


We had no choice growing up but to be friends with each-other and I'm thankful. 

I was always so jealous of how outgoing he was as a child growing up, I was an extrovert as well, but harry made me look like I was terrified of talking to strangers. He had that effect on people. He could make anyone smile, he could put on a show for hours just to see you happy, he was that person. 

He was there for me when I broke my first bone, lost my first tooth, scraped my knee, had my first kiss, had my first heartbreak... thinking back he was always the common ground in my life. 

And I missed him. 

I remember when I saw him on X-Factor for the first time, it made me laugh, seeing him walk up on the stage looking like he was confused and lost. I always teased him that he looked like a lost puppy in my eyes. He hated that, but I didn't care. 

When my family moved to France I lost all contact with Harry, I didn't know how to reach him, I lost him. I hated myself for that.

The last thing I had of harry was a small photo of him I kept with me at all times. 

Some people might think its weird since we were only best friends as children and nothing more, but for some reason I always felt connected to Harry. 

From the day Simon formed One Direction, all the way to now.


I bought all their merch, music, movies, anything I could get. I didn't consider myself a fan girl, as I wasn't in love with any of them. 

I just felt like a supportive best friend for a curly headed boy who probably didn't even remember me. I hoped he did, because he was unforgettable. 

I spent the remainder of my middle school and high school years in France and moved back to Cheshire shortly after I graduated. 

My parents were told they were crazy letting their 16 year old move back to Cheshire without them. That's why I loved them, they trusted me. 

I moved in close to my childhood home, 4 houses down to be exact, I never walked to Anne's house, I was nervous she would be gone and I didn't want to face another sad reality. I just hoped one day I would see him again. 

I didn't move back to Cheshire just for Harry, It was for me. Being back in my childhood town just brought back memories of him. He was everywhere in Cheshire. From the playground near our houses all the way to the convenient store down the street. There was a moment we had, a story, an experience, a memory... everywhere. It was always tied to him. 

It makes me smile every time I see something that reminds me of my childhood, my innocence. I yearned for it. 

wow that was the first chapter I guess, I hope its good and y'all like it. The majority of this story is from Mileys POV but there will be some switches always. give me feedback and please share this with your friends!!! leave a comment and a like!! I love you all smsms

740 words

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