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the watermark.... hahaha anyways heres another chapterrrr idk what else to say besides Comment, Vote and Share! love you all <3


6:30 am 


I groaned... I hate the sound. 


"shut up I know" I groaned at my dumb alarm clock

I reached over and knocked it off my dresser, it was quiet for a moment. I figured I broke it so it turned off. 


"aahhhhrrrgggg" I realized I didn't break it, I just knocked it further away from me so now I HAD to get out of bed to turn it off. 

I rolled my eyes, got up and turned it off while silently cursing under my breath.

I went down the stairs into my kitchen to start my coffee, as I started it I headed back upstairs to take a shower and put on one of my dads favorite playlists. Nothing but Billy Joel, The Beatles, Elton John and many other classic artists. 

I sang to every song. Not very long as I didn't need to wash my hair, just my body and shave. I was in and out in 5 minutes. I put on my fluffy pink robe and walked downstairs to grab my coffee. Depending on the day and how I'm feeling ill put sugar and creamer in it. This morning I decided to just have Black coffee. I'm immune to the taste of coffee, it doesn't phase me anymore I'm so addicted. 

I went upstairs and looked at the time 6:47 I had to be at CC Publishing at 8:00. 

My job is to write short articles based on different shops around town. My boss decides whether or not its good enough to be sent to the editor, and from there it goes through 2 more people. If any one of them don't like it, it doesn't get published. It was frustrating at times but it made me a better writer. 

I also was in charge of forwarding emails from my boss and was the coffee runner, thrilling job am I right? 

It sounds boring but it's a hard company to get into so I was lucky to even be there. I got to sit in on meetings and take notes. I wrote better than most people I knew. If you didn't count the people I worked with, then I was a better writer than anyone I knew. 

Most of the people I worked with were in their late 20's or early 30's. I was the odd man out at 16.

I stared at my closet looked at the work schedule today. 

No meetings

I decided to dress more casual today, as there was nothing too important. 

I wore a black jumpsuit that had silver buttons in the front and a grey cardigan that went to my calves. I put on some white Doc. Martin Platform boots and straightened my hair. 

I grabbed my Laptop, Keys, Phone, Wallet, bag and put them in a small pile on the chair by my front door. 

I made myself some oatmeal for breakfast, and brushed my teeth. 

I gave Charlie a kiss goodbye and walked out of my house at 7:30

Right on time. 

I took the bus to CC Publishing and walked into my office at 7:52 and clocked in. 

I was usually early, I get anxious when I'm late so I never am anymore. 

I set up my computer and cleaned up my office. It was small and was in the back corner of the office, but I didn't mind. I liked having space away from all the chaos. 

I went through emails that my boss sent me that morning and forwarded them to other co-workers around the office. 

The day went by pretty fast. I wrote 4 articles about different businesses in Holmes Chapel and submitted 1 of them to my boss. I wanted to go over my other articles and perfect them before I submitted them as well.

I looked at the time and it was 2:00 I worked an hour overtime. Since I was only an intern I only had to work 5 hours instead of the regular 8 like my other co-workers. 

I was always one to work overtime and stay longer than I should, but I finished all of my work for the day and most of what I needed for the next. I talked with my boss and showed him all the work I had completed and he said I could come in late the next day. around 11:00 for the meeting at 12:00

I thanked him and left. 

I don't eat lunch while I'm at work, the food in the breakroom is gross and people take the food you bring in. So I just wait for after work to get lunch. I usually go to Mcdonald's or something like that because it's cheap and easy. 

I get a burger with chips and a soda. 

I eat it on the bus ride home. It takes longer to get home than it does to get to CC Publishing 

22 minutes to get there 35 minutes to get back. 

I don't understand why, but I don't complain I enjoy the small time I have to myself to relax. 

As I was sitting on the bus I realized it was almost February. 

That meant Mine and Harrys Birthday's were coming up. 

His on the first mine on the 8th. He always teased me for being a week older but I didn't mind. I liked my birthday. Plus it was fun to be a week apart. 

Our parents growing up would celebrate me and harry for the whole week. It was like that for every year except for one 

When we were 7, that's when Anne was going through the divorce with Harrys father. I don't remember much about him, but I remember Harry crying to me. That was the most vulnerable he had ever been with me. I remember we walked to the river behind his house and took our shoes off and stuck our toes in the cold water. 

I remember Harry telling me how hurt he was, how angry he was, how sad he was. I remember me being quiet, I wish I knew what to tell him, but I was just as hurt. 

Growing up by each other made our families very close, I felt as if we were all one big family. When I wasn't at home, I was at Harry's. When I wasn't at Harry's he was at my house. 

His father was a part of my life too, and now he was leaving. It was awful. I wish I could go back and comfort Harry once again and tell him more. 

He started to cry and I pulled him into my chest. I had to be the strong one then. Harry was always the strong one in my life, but in that moment it was my turn. I had to be there for harry as he had been there for me. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts as the bus came to my stop, I thanked the bus driver and went on my way. I turned onto my street and walked up my porch into my house. It was quiet. 

OH MAN i felt goooooood writing that one. My creative juices were flowin alright. I don't know much about the divorce all I know was the age of Harry during that time. I want to be sensitive about these kinds of topics as i dont know what my readers are going through. I just wanted Harry and Miley to have one really big bonding moment I could mention for now and that's one that came to mind. Divorce is hard and my heart goes out to anyone who is struggling from the impact of it. I love you all 

1304 words

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