chapter one

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I sat up from my bed, rubbing my eyes after an unrestful night. I was so mentally and physically exhausted. I looked down at my pillow, still wet from when I cried myself to sleep last night. I guess I should say this morning. I climbed out of bed, almost falling over. I slipped on my slippers and opened my balcony doors. The cold air nipping at my skin sending goosebumps all over. I shivered a bit but continued to walk out. I signed. Oh to go back only a few months ago.


Four months ago

"Hey Josie," Justin said to me while walking into my room and shutting the door behind him.

"Hey yourself," I responded and put my book on my nightstand, making sure to save my page. He plopped down on my bed and I leaned into him.

He slung his arm around me and pulled me in even closer. "So how about we go out this weekend?"

I signed. "Like out of the palace?"

"MmmmmHmmmm," he said, rubbing his thumb on my arm sending goosebumps all over me.

"Okay I'm sure your parents will let you leave. I don't know about mine," I say looking up to him and staring into his beautiful green eyes.

He smirked at me. "Your parents love me, I'm sure I can talk to them."

"Okay sure"

"I ran into your boyfriend today," Justin says, stiffening up.

"Oh stop Kaden is just a friend. You're my boyfriend and of course you're going to run into him, we live in his house," I say shrugging.

"Yes I know. How long have you loved me?" He asks.

I bite my lip and climb onto his lap so I'm facing him and I wrap my legs around his waist. "Four months and twelve days." I respond and look at him.

He cups my face and kisses me. He bites on my bottom lip oh I love it when he does that. He falls back on my bed so I'm straddling him. He flips me over so I'm under him. He kisses my neck and suddenly our moment is ruined.

"Hey Jo- oh" I hear Kaden's voice. Justin hurries and gets off of me standing up and fixing his tie. His hair, messy oh my he is so attractive. I fix my dress so it's still covering my legs. I stand up.

"Hey Kaden," I say with a half smile and see him flustered. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah Eadlyn needs you." he says looking away red faced.

"Where is she?" I ask

"Her room," I nod and kiss Justin goodby and wave bye Kaden. I walk off to Eadlyn's room.

I knock on her door.

"Come in," I hear her voice. I open and see her sweating and mumbling something, Neena trying to calm her down. I smile at our own little trio.

"Hey Eadlyn what's going?" I ask.

She ignores me and Neena turns to me. "She stressed out over her bridesmaids. Eikko says he doesn't care if they have any so he said she can choose and now she is worried if she should have some or not."

I nod. "Hey Eady, how about you sit down." I walk over to her and have her sit at her desk. I call for her maid and ask for three cups of tea. She nods and hurries and leaves. "Okay," I start looking over at Neena. "If you were to do bridesmaids and groomsmen, who would you guys choose?"

"Well my brothers and Camile, you and Neena. But Eikko has some friends and I have no idea who else I would choose." She responds and right when she says that the maid walks back in and sets down our three cups of tea.

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