chapter two

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Mom and Dad walked into my room as I was working on my studies. I smiled at them. "Want to sit?" I asked them. They nodded and sat down. "So what's up?"

"So Justin asked us for our permission to take you out of the palace," Mom began. "And I'm not so sure if that's okay."

"What why?" I ask. I furrow my eyebrows. Justin and I have gone out of the palace before and they were okay with it. For heaven's sakes so have Kaden and I as well. Well, we did have high maximum security.

"Well with Eadlyn's wedding and everything people are starting to know you, you have been seen in many wedding photos showing Eadlyn's preparation, and we are worried for your safety." Mom finished.

"I'll be fine! I'll be with Justin for goodness's sakes! I'm not going alone." I say.

Mom and Dad look at each other. I look down at my mom's hands and see her scares. I can't imagine the pain she went through to be with my father. "Ok we still need to think about it. See you tonight." Dad kissed my forehead and they walked out. I got up from my desk and went into my closet to pick a cute dress tonight. Eadlyn was probably going to announce her bridesmaid tonight on the Report so I need to look nice. I couldn't help thinking about the conversation with my parents about going out of the palace. I was one hundred percent sure that they weren't concerned about me being in photos. I think they were suspicious about Justin. Also with Eadlyn! Why were my parents and Eadlyn hesitant about my boyfriend of four months?


I finish curling my hair and put my curling iron down. I unplug it and stand up. I look at my appearance in the mirror. Very light makeup and a cute shin length pink dress. My hair was curled and I had the earrings in Justin gave me and a friendship bracelet Kaden gave me on my wrist. I slip on some simple flats and Kaden comes barging into my room. I turn to look at him. He is in some simple black dress pants along with a white shirt that is slightly unbuttoned. My heart flutters in my chest. I stand my ground. What is wrong with me?

"Hey," he says and looks at me. "Wow you look great."

I look down at myself. "Thank you. Do you need something?"

"Yeah um," he swallowed. "I just wanted to apologize for walking away earlier and walking in on you and Justin." He looks away flustered.

"Oh Kaden it's alright we are friends," I laugh.

"Yeah well can I walk you to the Report?" Kaden asks. He offers his arm.

I slid my arms in his. "Of course." We walked out of my room and I shut my door. "So how is everything?"

"Good um my parents want me to do a selection." He responds look down at me.

"Oh wow," I say trying to act surprised. "Why?"

"They want me to find a wife. They are worried Eadlyn might back down from being queen when she gets married which is stupid. She won't."

"Oh I'm sorry,"

"It's alright. Anyways how about you?"

"I'm good. I really miss Kile, hopefully he'll come down for the wedding. Eadlyn sent him an invitation. Also Justin wants to take me out of the palace which is exciting."

He looks down at his feet while we reach the Report room. "Thats fun. I hope you will have a nice time." He nods and we walk in. We find a seat in the middle of the room near the front. I see Justin and wave him over. He smiles and frowns when he sees Kaden. He plops down right next to me and I'm in between both boys.

"So you walked in with Kaden?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah, so?"

"No reason," he responds and turns back into his seat. Kaden starts talking to me about something Osten did today. I laugh and turn back into my seat. "Can we finish our moment earlier today before we were interrupted?" Justin whispers in my ear. Chills go up my back.

"I don't know, maybe." I whisper back.

"Hello Illea citizens! I'm Garvil and here we are going to talk about Queen Eadlyn's wedding, it is only a month a way and we are so excited!"

"Yes Garvill so am I," Eadlyn says. "I've decided on my bridesmaids and it will be Josie Woodwork. She is a dear friend of mine."

The rest of the Report was boring. When it was finished I said goodbye to Kaden. I also said goodnight to my mom and dad and Eadlyn. Justin and I walked to his room.

"Do you want to come in?" He asks

"Sure," We walk inside and he closes the door behind us

ok hey it's your girl. sorry that chapter was low key kinda boring i just needed to update. make sure to vote and comment! also if your

K K L heyyy you know who u are

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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