Lonely writer boy

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The city was always quiet at night, the glow transmitting from building to building, dreadfully awakening the lonely people of Halifax.
Ed always enjoyed his late-night walks that somehow always end up as hours wasted. He found it interesting how time could just fly when he was observing the colorful lights of his home town, focusing on the way the water splashed as he stepped through it, dampening his red and white checkered converse.

He practiced songwriting as he walked, humming the tune to himself, trying his absolute hardest to get it right. In his eyes, he would never be big enough to be recognized, though he didn't mind.
He was already 29, living in a small apartment in the city, isolating himself from most people, and only opening up to the people he could trust the most.

// ED POV //

Here I am once again, walking down the same path I have for years. I know every stone of every path, memorizing the cracks in the road that I could trip over so easily. I close my eyes, taking every breath of this grand city in for myself.
Suddenly, I feel myself stumbling over a misplaced rock, smacking my fragile face against the rocky pavement, causing a metal-like taste to become overwhelmingly distinct. Blood rushes from my mouth, staining the pathway with a dark red substance. I discover a large wound on my right elbow, gushing more blood every time I blink...

A tall figure walks up to me with a worried expression, reaching a hand out for me to grab. They pull me up, supporting me as I stumble to my feet. All I see is blurriness, almost like a cloud has come down from above and is my eyes.

// Y/N POV //

This poor guy bleeding on my favorite pathway. I help him up, his heavy body struggling to balance. I lean him up in front of me and get a glimpse of his face...

He's really really attractive. I feel a spark in my chest as if I had just met my true love. I can't pass up on this opportunity, to hopefully find the love of my life finally.

I wonder what to do (to make my move of course).

"Thank you lassy. I seem to have fallen even though I thought I wouldn't. Thank god you were here to help.." The man says, voice shaken.

"It's fine.. I was just takin' my daily stroll along this path and I saw you slip and fall.. Thought it would be nice of me to help you up since you were struggling".

He nods, smirking and letting out a sigh.

"Sooo.." I begin, startling over my words, "do y-you have like- like a name?"

He stares at me, beginning to smile, and grabs out his Nokia phone opening the Phone app.

He hands his phone to me, and nods, silently asking for me to add my phone number as a contact.

I type out my phone number and add it as a contact, then hand the phone right back to him. He grabs it carefully and grins at me, and I grin back.

He waves, and turns around, walking away carefully looking at the rocks as he walked.

A ding goes off in my pocket and it vibrated. I reach into my pocket to grab my iPhone 11 and open my new messages. It's from a random number but I feel like it's safe to assume that it's him.

"Hey cutie" The words blurred on my screen sending a shiver through my spine.

"Hey :) I assume you're the guy from the park?" I reply.

"Yes, <3 I'm Ed.. Ed Sheeran.." The words feel like ice on my skin, I add the name to the contact. "Thanks for helping me by the way.. It feels like I didn't even thank you! Got a PayPal? I'm Ed Sheeran."

I send my PayPal username and type out a reply.

"You don't need to thank me.. You just seemed in pain, and I couldn't leave you like that."

I see the read receipt and put down my phone.
I sigh and look out at the lake, wondering if this friendship (or possibly more) will go anywhere..

Two buzzes go off at once.

"We should hang out sometime! When I'm not.. Injured lol.

And then I check my notification bar, one specific notification standing out against the others.

Paypal: ED has sent you $2000!

I gasp, WHAT THE FUCK? Where did he get the money? Is he double ugh rich ugh? I'm so confused...

"Where did you get that money?" I ask.

"Just some spare change lollllll.."

I think I like this guy.

AFTERGLOW - Ed Sheeran X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now