Leaving for North Carolina

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So today's the day, the day I leave everything behind for a year to do an exchange student program in America. I'm honestly so excited but I sure am gonna miss my family heaps. My parents always say that it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and it sure is. My host family live in North Carolina so I'm staying with them of course. I once skyped them to sorta get to know them a little. Their the Latham/Hall family. You have Susan Latham the mum, Nick Hall the dad/step dad (long story), Amber Latham who's turning 18, Zoe Latham who's turning 16, Charlotte Latham who's turning 14 so she's my age and I'm sure I'm gonna get on with her just fine and we kind of have to I mean we're sharing the same room, and last but not least, the sweetest girl I have ever met, Chloe Latham-Hall and she's 5.

"Are you ready sweety" my mum says. "Yeah just let me make sure I have everything" I say. I know I have everything but I just wanted to have one last look at my room before I leave. I walk down the stairs excited but depressed. My emotions right now are all over the place I just don't know how to feel. I'm leaving to go to America which is a place I dreamed of going to for as long as I can remember but....I'm not gonna be in Australia for a whole year. I'm not gonna see my friends and by the time I come back they could have boyfriends and forget I ever existed. But I guess I'll just have to live with that.

My mum takes a couple of pictures, then we head out the door. My dad puts my suitcase in the back of his ute, then we jump in. We hadn't even drivin down our street and my mum was already tearing up, and when my mum cries I cry so it was a pretty emotional ride to the airport.

Hey guys, it's Steph hope you liked my first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it
while stuck outside my house...LOL. Be ready for my next chapter because it's gonna be interesting. Follow me on Instagram: _steph_ocean
if you have any questions or want me to update.

Your beautiful so stay beautiful bye guys,

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