Chapter 4

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As I walked into the school doors, I had flashbacks of all the taunting I've endured here. I felt myself start to panic again, so I took a deep breath and concentrated on remaining calm. I took out my class schedule that also had my locker number on it, and I started to find my way to my new locker. I may be a junior which meant this was my third year here, but this was still a pretty big school and being gone for 2 1/2 months every summer didn't help when it came to remembering where everything is. Especially when there was so much about this school that I didn't want to remember. I found the hallway where my locker would be, in the junior section of the school. I started walking past all of them and as soon as I found mine, I heard someone call out my name.

"Hey, Avery!"

I turned around and saw a tall guy standing there. He was slightly muscular, brown hair and hazel eyes. Looked like he could be captain of the football team. Wait. Captain of the football team. I squinted, and then it hit me. Once I realized who it was, my heart sank. Cameron Leblanc. He was the main jock that taunted me these last couple years. He started walking towards me. I felt like I was about to pass out.

"You know, instead of standing there staring at me, you could just take a picture. It'd last a lot longer," he said with a sly grin. "What's the matter? See a ghost or something?" I gulped and tried to find some words to speak. "W-what do you want?" I stuttered. He grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it around his finger. "What? I just wanted to welcome you to your first day of junior year. Here I am trying to be friendly, and you're acting like you can't speak to anyone." I just stared at him, not knowing what to say next. "Oh wait, that's right. You can't speak to anyone. You know why?" He tucked the piece of hair behind my ear and leaned close. "Because nobody likes you. You're not wanted here. Nobody wants to be your friend, let alone talk to you. I plan to enjoy making the next two years that you will spend here, a living nightmare for you. Have a good day, and welcome back." He winked, smirked, and walked away. His group was waiting for him at the end of the hallway, and when he reached them, they all looked my way and laughed before walking off. I felt a lump form in my throat as I fought back the tears. "Not already," I whispered to myself. I opened my locker door, grabbing my things from my backpack and putting them in. As I was arranging everything (I'm just slightly OCD), I saw someone walking up to me from the corner of my eye. "Oh Lord please, not again, not right now," I started silently pleading. Once he reached my locker, I slowly turned toward him, and I saw a face I had seen before, but it belonged to someone I had never spoken to.

"Hey," the mysterious guy said. I slightly nodded my head and gave him a half smile. "My name's Dallas, by the way. Dallas Fontenot," he said with a shy smile. "Avery Lyons," I greeted back. "Nice to meet you," he told me. I just nodded and continued organizing my locker. "So uh, I saw that guy talking to you. I know him, and I know how big of a jerk he is," he said. I immediately stopped what I was doing once he brought up the whole situation with Cameron. "So, if you uh, need anyone to talk to or anything -"

"Stop," I cut him off a bit harshly before he could finish what he was saying. "I don't need anybody. I've made it this far with nobody, I can finish with nobody."

He looked shocked and slightly hurt. "I know, but I just figured I'd offer," he said hesitantly. "I know, and thank you, but I won't need you." After I said that, I grabbed my backpack that had my things for my first class in it, shut my locker door, and walked off after giving him once last glance.


*Dallas' POV*

I was standing at my locker, and I saw a girl just a little bit down the hallway open hers. We were the only ones here. I looked over at her. She was shortish, about 5'4 1/2, brown hair, green eyes. She was actually really pretty. Then I realized that it was Avery. I know who she is, but I've never talked to her. I just recognize her because we had a few classes together last year. As soon as she was about to open her locker, I saw a guy approach her. I identified him as Cameron, captain of the football team. He was a popular jock, and boy was he a jerk. I know that he's given Avery quite some trouble since freshman year, when that whole cafeteria thing happened. I couldn't hear what was being said, but I could tell by the look on her face, it wasn't good. Her face was pale and her eyes full of panic. He leaned close and started playing with her hair. I could only hear bits and pieces of what he was saying, but what I did hear, I didn't like at all. I hate how him and every other jock and cheerleader think they're better than everybody else just because they're popular. The way his words affected her made me angry. From what I could tell just by being around Avery in class, she was a really nice girl, and I don't think she deserves any of this. I was so determined to go over there and say something, but I decided against it. Once him and his group walked away though, I decided to go over there and introduce myself. I'd like to be her friend. I don't think she has any.

Once I approached her, I just stood there for a few seconds. I didn't know what to say. She just looked over at me, so I decided to start the conversation. "Hey," I said. She didn't say anything back, just gave a small nod and an even smaller smile. "I'm Dallas. Dallas Fontenot," I continued. She finally spoke and told me her name. As she continued working at her locker, I brought up the Cameron incident. As soon as she stopped what she was doing when I mentioned it, I wanted to just stop speaking and hug her. But of course, I just had to keep talking. As I was speaking, she abruptly cut me off.

"Stop," she firmly stated. I was taken aback and just a tiny bit hurt. "I don't need anybody. I've made it this far with nobody, I can finish with nobody," she said. "I know," I continued, "but I just figured I'd offer," I said. "I know, and thank you, but I won't need you," she said blankly before grabbing her backpack and walking off. My heart broke for her as I watched her walk away. I knew she was in pain and probably didn't trust anybody. But I swear, no matter how hard it is, I will get through to her, and I will help her through this.


Hey y'all.(: I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, let me know what you think! I really hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. There's so much I have planned for this story, and I'm so excited for it. Hopefully it starts picking up with views and what not. I really wanna know what y'all think about it. Thanks to those of you who are with me right now, and thanks to my future readers!
Oh, and that picture is Avery.
Much love,
~socialbutterfly. <3

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