Chapter 3

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After we finished eating, I helped mom with dishes, and I went upstairs. Like I said before, I'm more of a night shower kinda person. I put on my country playlist, got undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over my body. I did my routine and about 20 minutes later, I was walking into my room with a towel wrapped around me. After getting dressed into some of my favorite pajamas, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. Grabbing my laptop from my side table and opening it up, I logged into Facebook to see what was new.

I really don't even know why I still keep up with Facebook, it's not like I have any friends. All that's on there is family. I did see a status posted from my school's page, though. It was just talking about starting the new school year. Honestly, I wanna be excited for school. I really do. I mean, come on. This is high school. These are the days where you make a lot of friends, lose a lot of friends, experience dating, school dances, prom, etc. I wanna experience the typical "high school experience". I just don't understand why people don't like me. I've never done anything wrong to anybody. It all has to do with Nevaeh. She's got a special spot on the popularity chart with being head cheerleader and all, so I'm sure my lack of friends has to do with her sudden hatred for me. It's like if somebody popular hates you, everybody hates you. Quite ridiculous, if you ask me. What ever happened to giving people a chance and finding things out for yourself? I guess that's not how it goes in high school. Another reason I can't wait to get these next few years over with, walk across that stage to get my diploma, and move on with my life. The people that hate me and pick on me now, won't matter to me in a couple years. I probably won't even remember their names.

I closed my laptop, put it back on the table, and got ready to go to sleep. This weekend is probably gonna fly by, and school is gonna be here before I know it.


"Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down, and cruise," is what I heard blaring from my phone. I shot up and looked at the time, trying to recover from my mini heart attack.

6:00 AM.

"Ughhhh," I groaned. I silenced my alarm, and slowly climbed out of bed. Guess I'll start getting ready for my first day back to school. I told you it was gonna be here for I know it. Walking into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing my hair and makeup, I started thinking.

"Maybe this year won't be so bad. Maybe I'll actually make some friends because everybody realized that making somebody else's life a living nightmare just so you can have a laugh, is ignorant and it's never okay. Maybe everybody grew up this summer."

"Hah. Yeah right. I only wish," I mumbled. I finished getting ready, and I started scanning through my new wardrobe to decide what to wear. I settled on a pair of Levi skinny jeans with my favorite pink camo hoodie and a pair of brown boots. I made my way downstairs for breakfast. When I reached the table, my dad was sitting down drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, and my mom was humming happily in the kitchen. I gave her a confused look as I sat down. "I decided to make a big breakfast for your first day back to school," she said to me with a warm smile. She starting bringing in several plates full of food - pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast - she even had my favorite, which is biscuits and gravy. I still had about 45 minutes until I had to be at school, so I had plenty of time to eat. My mom, dad and I all started making our own plates and eating, while making small conversation. Empty plates and stuffed stomachs later, I helped mom load the dishwasher. I went upstairs to grab my phone and backpack, and met her downstairs. I said goodbye to my dad, and my mom and I left. Once we pulled up in front of my school, I instantly started freaking out. I felt like I was having a panic attack. I zoned out, it was difficult to concentrate on breathing, my heart beat increased rapidly, my hands were sweaty, and all I could hear was the laughter from everybody in the cafeteria in 9th grade, the snickers from people who push and trip me in the hallways, and the whispers every time I walk past someone. I heard my name being called in the distance, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on it. After what seemed like a century but what was really only about a minute, I finally snapped out of it and realized my mother's voice was the voice I heard calling my name.

"Avery.. Avery.. Avery!" My mom said loudly with a clap. I looked over at her and judging by the look on her face when she saw me, I didn't look too good. "Avery, are you okay? Your forehead has beads of sweat all over it, and your face looks like all the color just got drained from it," she stated worriedly. "Yeah, I-uh, I'm okay," I started to stutter. My mom grabbed my face and turned it towards hers. "Everything's gonna be okay. I know you're nervous, just take a deep breath, everything will be fine," she said with a smile. She hugged me and I hugged her back even tighter. God, how I love my mom. She always knows how to calm me down, without even realizing it. If it weren't for her and my dad, I wouldn't even be here now. I'd be long gone.

I gave her one last look before getting out. "I'll see you at home," she said. I nodded and gave her a half smile, then opened the door and hopped out. I walked to the school doors, turned around one last time to see my mom driving away, and entered the school. Let's get this nightmare over with.

Hey y'all! It's been soooo long since I've posted anything. I've decided to make this story my main priority as of now. I know A.U.N is the most popular story of mine, but I just feel like I should focus on this story for right now. I know this chapter probably wasn't the best, but I really wanted to get something out to y'all, and look! Waaaay longer chapter! I was looking through my past stories and it's pitiful how short I used to make those "chapters". I can't even really call them chapters. I gotta call them paragraphs. Lol. Thanks for hangin' in there with me, and I hope to get some good feedback from y'all. Definitely let me know what you think! Also, don't be surprised if I change the name of this story. :p I'm not for sure yet. I might keep it, I might not. I've already changed some things about it. So yeah, definitely let me know what you think, and it's good to be back! Hope to hear from y'all, and another chapter will be up soon. (:
Much love,
socialbutterfly. <3

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